
Note: Page numbers followed by t refer to tables.

abortion, 115

Affordable Care Act (Obamacare), 13, 100


discrimination against (see racism)

police shootings of, 116119

in presidential election of 2016, 110

as social conservatives, 111, 112

stereotypes of, 63, 117

work ethic and family values of, 62

in working class (see black working class)

agricultural workers, 115116

alienation, among white working class, 4, 129

“All in the Family” (television show), 2

ambit of responsibility, 6869, 71, 130

ambition, among elites, 3738

American dream, 32, 69, 70

American Federation of Teachers, 126

Ammerman, Colleen, 81

AMTEC (Automotive Technical Education Collaborative), 88

anger, in presidential election of 2016, 3, 6

Arizona ...

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