Windows® 7 for Dummies®

Book description

The perfect plain-English guide to the much-anticipated release of Windows 7

Windows For Dummies is the all-time bestselling guide to the Windows operating system. Windows 7 For Dummies answers all your questions about the interface adjustments and all the new tools in Windows 7.

Whether you're new to computers or just eager to start using the newest version of Windows, expert author Andy Rathbone will walk you step by step through the most common Windows 7 tasks, including managing files, applications, media, and Internet access. If you've never used Windows before, it shows you the things most books assume you already know, like how to navigate the interface, customize the desktop, and work with the file system. Then it helps you get comfortable using all aspects of Windows 7.

  • Nearly ninety percent of the world's PCs use the Windows operating system

  • Covers basic management of applications, files, and data; creating and printing documents; setting up an Internet connection and e-mail account; and online security

  • Explores using Windows to edit and manage audio, video, and photo files, and how to create CDs, DVDs, and playlists with Media Center

  • Helps you tweak and customize Windows 7 to operate your way and set up user accounts, build a home network, and maintain your PC

  • Provides troubleshooting advice, helps you find missing files and use the Help system, and explains common error messages

  • Windows 7 For Dummies will have you up and running on the newest version of Windows quickly and easily.

    Table of contents

    1. Copyright
    2. About the Author
    3. Author's Acknowledgments
    4. Publisher's Acknowledgments
    5. Introduction
      1. About This Book
      2. How to Use This Book
      3. And What about You?
      4. How This Book Is Organized
        1. Part I: Windows 7 Stuff Everybody Thinks You Already Know
        2. Part II: Working with Programs and Files
        3. Part III: Getting Things Done on the Internet
        4. Part IV: Customizing and Upgrading Windows 7
        5. Part V: Music, Movies, Memories (And Photos, Too)
        6. Part VI: Help!
        7. Part VII: The Part of Tens
      5. Icons Used in This Book
      6. Where to Go from Here
    6. I. Windows 7 Stuff Everybody Thinks You Already Know
      1. 1. What Is Windows 7?
        1. 1.1. What Is Windows 7, and Why Are You Using It?
        2. 1.2. Should I Bother Switching to Windows 7?
          1. 1.2.1. Why Vista owners will like Windows 7
          2. 1.2.2. Why Windows XP owners should switch to Windows 7
        3. 1.3. Can My PC Still Run Windows 7?
        4. 1.4. The Seven Flavors of Windows 7
      2. 2. The Desktop, Start Menu, Taskbar, Gadgets, and Other Windows 7 Mysteries
        1. 2.1. Being Welcomed to the World of Windows 7
          1. 2.1.1. Fiddling around with user accounts
          2. 2.1.2. Keeping your account private with a password
        2. 2.2. Working on the Desktop
          1. 2.2.1. Cleaning up a messy desktop
          2. 2.2.2. Jazzing up the desktop's background
          3. 2.2.3. Dumpster diving in the Recycle Bin
        3. 2.3. The Start Button's Reason to Live
          1. 2.3.1. The Start menu's buttons
          2. 2.3.2. Starting a program from the Start menu
          3. 2.3.3. Customizing the Start menu
        4. 2.4. Bellying Up to the Taskbar
          1. 2.4.1. Shrinking windows to the taskbar and retrieving them
          2. 2.4.2. Switching to different tasks from the taskbar's Jump Lists
          3. 2.4.3. Clicking the taskbar's sensitive areas
          4. 2.4.4. Customizing the taskbar
          5. 2.4.5. The taskbar's crazy toolbars
        5. 2.5. A Gaggle of Gadgets
        6. 2.6. Logging Off from Windows
      3. 3. Basic Windows Mechanics
        1. 3.1. Dissecting a Typical Window
          1. 3.1.1. Tugging on a window's title bar
          2. 3.1.2. Navigating folders with a window's Address Bar
          3. 3.1.3. Finding the hidden menu bar
          4. 3.1.4. Choosing the right button for the job
          5. 3.1.5. Quick shortcuts with the Navigation Pane
          6. 3.1.6. Working with the Details Pane
          7. 3.1.7. Moving inside a window with its scroll bar
          8. 3.1.8. Boring borders
        2. 3.2. Filling Out Bothersome Dialog Boxes
          1. 3.2.1. Poking the correct command button
          2. 3.2.2. Choosing between option buttons
          3. 3.2.3. Typing into text boxes
          4. 3.2.4. Choosing options from list boxes
          5. 3.2.5. Drop-down list boxes
          6. 3.2.6. Check boxes
          7. 3.2.7. Sliding controls
        3. 3.3. Maneuvering Windows Around the Desktop
          1. 3.3.1. Moving a window to the top of the pile
          2. 3.3.2. Moving a window from here to there
          3. 3.3.3. Making a window fill the whole screen
          4. 3.3.4. Closing a window
          5. 3.3.5. Making a window bigger or smaller
          6. 3.3.6. Placing two windows side by side
          7. 3.3.7. Making windows open to the same darn size
      4. 4. Flipping Through Files, Folders, Flash Drives, Libraries, and CDs
        1. 4.1. Browsing Your Computer's File Cabinets
        2. 4.2. Getting the Lowdown on Folders and Libraries
        3. 4.3. Peering into Your Drives, Folders, and Libraries
          1. 4.3.1. Seeing the files on a disk drive
          2. 4.3.2. Seeing what's inside folders
          3. 4.3.3. Managing a library's folders
        4. 4.4. Creating a New Folder
        5. 4.5. Renaming a File or Folder
        6. 4.6. Selecting Bunches of Files or Folders
        7. 4.7. Getting Rid of a File or Folder
        8. 4.8. Copying or Moving Files and Folders
        9. 4.9. Seeing More Information about Files and Folders
        10. 4.10. Writing to CDs and DVDs
          1. 4.10.1. Buying the right kind of blank CDs and DVDs for burning
          2. 4.10.2. Copying files from or to a CD or DVD
        11. 4.11. Working with Flash Drives and Memory Cards
    7. II. Working with Programs and Files
      1. 5. Playing with Programs and Documents
        1. 5.1. Starting a Program
        2. 5.2. Opening a Document
        3. 5.3. Saving a Document
        4. 5.4. Choosing Which Program Opens a File
          1. 5.4.1. The wrong program loads my file!
          2. 5.4.2. No program will open my file!
        5. 5.5. Taking the Lazy Way with a Shortcut
        6. 5.6. The Absolutely Essential Guide to Cutting, Copying, and Pasting
          1. 5.6.1. The quick 'n' dirty guide to cut 'n' paste
          2. 5.6.2. Selecting things to cut or copy
          3. 5.6.3. Cutting or copying your selected goods
          4. 5.6.4. Pasting information to another place
        7. 5.7. Windows 7's Free Programs!
          1. 5.7.1. Writing letters with WordPad
          2. 5.7.2. Converting, adding, and balancing with Calculator
          3. 5.7.3. Finding symbols like © with Character Map
      2. 6. Briefly Lost, but Quickly Found
        1. 6.1. Finding Lost Windows on the Desktop
        2. 6.2. Locating a Missing Program, E-Mail, Song, Document, or Other File
        3. 6.3. Finding a Missing File inside a Folder
        4. 6.4. Arranging and Grouping Files
        5. 6.5. Finding Lost Photos
        6. 6.6. Finding Other Computers on a Network
        7. 6.7. Finding Information on the Internet
        8. 6.8. Saving Your Searches
      3. 7. Printing Your Work
        1. 7.1. Printing Your Masterpiece
          1. 7.1.1. Adjusting how your work fits on the page
          2. 7.1.2. Adjusting your printer's settings
          3. 7.1.3. Canceling a print job
          4. 7.1.4. Printing a Web page
          5. 7.1.5. Troubleshooting your printer
    8. III. Getting Things Done on the Internet
      1. 8. Cruising the Web
        1. 8.1. What Is the Internet?
        2. 8.2. What's an ISP, and Why Do I Need One?
        3. 8.3. Setting Up Internet Explorer the First Time
        4. 8.4. Navigating the Web with Internet Explorer 8
          1. 8.4.1. Moving from Web page to Web page
            1. Clicking links
            2. Typing Web addresses in the Address box
            3. Using Internet Explorer's toolbar
          2. 8.4.2. Making Internet Explorer open to your favorite site
          3. 8.4.3. Revisit favorite places
          4. 8.4.4. Finding things on the Internet
        5. 8.5. The Web Page Says It Needs a Weird Plug-In Thing!
        6. 8.6. Saving Information from the Internet
          1. 8.6.1. Saving a Web page
          2. 8.6.2. Saving text
          3. 8.6.3. Saving a picture
          4. 8.6.4. Downloading a program, song, or other type of file
        7. 8.7. It Doesn't Work!
        8. 8.8. Removing Unneeded Plug-Ins
        9. 8.9. The Pages Won't All Fit on My Screen
        10. 8.10. Internet Explorer Now Fills My Entire Screen!
      2. 9. Sending and Receiving E-Mail
        1. 9.1. Understanding E-Mail Options in Windows 7
          1. 9.1.1. Web-based e-mail
          2. 9.1.2. PC-based e-mail programs
        2. 9.2. Installing Windows Live Mail
        3. 9.3. Setting Up Windows Live Mail
        4. 9.4. Sending and Receiving E-Mail in Windows Live Mail
          1. 9.4.1. Composing and sending an e-mail
          2. 9.4.2. Reading a received e-mail
        5. 9.5. Sending and Receiving Files through E-Mail
          1. 9.5.1. Attaching a file or files to an e-mail
          2. 9.5.2. Saving an attached file
          3. 9.5.3. Embedding photos in an e-mail
          4. 9.5.4. Saving embedded photos
        6. 9.6. Managing Your Contacts
        7. 9.7. Reducing Your Spam
      3. 10. Safe Computing
        1. 10.1. Understanding Those Annoying Permission Messages
        2. 10.2. Assessing Your Safety in the Action Center
          1. 10.2.1. Changing the firewall settings
          2. 10.2.2. Changing Windows Update settings
          3. 10.2.3. Avoiding viruses
        3. 10.3. Staying Safe on the Internet
          1. 10.3.1. Avoiding evil add-ons and hijackers
          2. 10.3.2. Avoiding phishing scams
          3. 10.3.3. Avoiding and removing spyware and parasites with Windows Defender
        4. 10.4. Setting Up Parental Controls
    9. IV. Customizing and Upgrading Windows 7
      1. 11. Customizing Windows 7 with the Control Panel
        1. 11.1. Finding the Right Switch in the Control Panel
        2. 11.2. System and Security
        3. 11.3. User Accounts and Family Safety
        4. 11.4. Network and Internet
        5. 11.5. Changing Windows 7's Appearance (Appearance and Personalization)
          1. 11.5.1. Changing the desktop background
          2. 11.5.2. Choosing a screen saver
          3. 11.5.3. Changing the computer's theme
          4. 11.5.4. Changing the screen resolution
        6. 11.6. Hardware and Sound
          1. 11.6.1. Adjusting volume and sounds
          2. 11.6.2. Installing or setting up speakers
          3. 11.6.3. Adding a printer
          4. 11.6.4. Installing or adjusting other computer parts
            1. Mouse
            2. Scanners and Cameras
            3. Keyboard
            4. Windows Mobility Center
        7. 11.7. Clock, Language, and Region
        8. 11.8. Adding or Removing Programs
          1. 11.8.1. Removing or changing programs
          2. 11.8.2. Adding new programs
          3. 11.8.3. Add/remove parts of Windows 7
        9. 11.9. Modifying Windows 7 for the Physically Challenged
      2. 12. Keeping Windows from Breaking
        1. 12.1. Creating a Restore Point
        2. 12.2. Tuning Up Windows 7 with Built-In Maintenance Tools
          1. 12.2.1. Backing up your computer
          2. 12.2.2. Finding technical information about your computer
          3. 12.2.3. Freeing up space on your hard drive
          4. 12.2.4. Empowering your power button
          5. 12.2.5. Setting up devices that don't work (fiddling with drivers)
        3. 12.3. Cleaning Your Mouse
      3. 13. Sharing One Computer with Several People
        1. 13.1. Understanding User Accounts
        2. 13.2. Setting Up or Changing User Accounts
        3. 13.3. Switching Quickly between Users
        4. 13.4. Sharing Files among Account Holders
        5. 13.5. Changing a User Account's Picture
        6. 13.6. Setting Up Passwords and Security
      4. 14. Connecting Computers with a Network
        1. 14.1. Understanding a Network's Parts
        2. 14.2. Setting Up a Small Network
          1. 14.2.1. Buying parts for a network
          2. 14.2.2. Installing a wired network
        3. 14.3. Connecting Wirelessly
          1. 14.3.1. Setting up a wireless router or access point
          2. 14.3.2. Setting up Windows 7 to connect to a wireless network
        4. 14.4. Setting Up a Homegroup
        5. 14.5. Sharing Files within a Homegroup
          1. 14.5.1. Choosing what items to share in a Homegroup
          2. 14.5.2. Accessing what others have shared
        6. 14.6. Connecting to and Sharing Files with Windows XP and Windows Vista PCs
          1. 14.6.1. Letting older PCs notice your Windows 7 PCs
          2. 14.6.2. Accessing a Windows 7 PC's shared files from an older PC
          3. 14.6.3. Accessing a Windows XP or Vista PC's shared files from your Windows 7 PC
        7. 14.7. Sharing a Printer on the Network
        8. 14.8. Troubleshooting a Network
    10. V. Music, Movies, Memories (And Photos, Too)
      1. 15. Playing and Copying Music in Media Player
        1. 15.1. Stocking Media Player's Library
        2. 15.2. Browsing Media Player's Libraries
        3. 15.3. Controlling Your Now Playing Items
        4. 15.4. Playing CDs
        5. 15.5. Playing DVDs
        6. 15.6. Playing Videos and TV Shows
        7. 15.7. Playing Music Files (MP3s and WMAs)
        8. 15.8. Creating, Saving, and Editing Playlists
        9. 15.9. Ripping (Copying) CDs to Your PC
        10. 15.10. Burning (Creating) Music CDs
        11. 15.11. Copying Songs to Your Portable Player
        12. 15.12. Working with Media Center
          1. 15.12.1. Browsing Media Center's menus
          2. 15.12.2. Getting the most out of Media Center
      2. 16. Fiddling with Photos and Movies
        1. 16.1. Using Your Computer as a Digital Shoebox
          1. 16.1.1. Dumping the camera's photos into your computer
          2. 16.1.2. Browsing your photos in the Pictures library
          3. 16.1.3. Viewing a slide show
          4. 16.1.4. Copying digital photos to a CD or DVD
          5. 16.1.5. E-mailing photos
          6. 16.1.6. Printing pictures
          7. 16.1.7. Fixing photos with Windows Live Photo Gallery
            1. Installing Windows Live Photo Gallery
            2. Adjusting photos automatically
            3. Straightening photos
            4. Cropping photos
            5. Removing red-eye
        2. 16.2. Creating a DVD Movie or Slide Show with Windows DVD Maker
        3. 16.3. Creating, Editing, and Viewing Digital Movies
          1. 16.3.1. Step 1: Import video, pictures, and music
          2. 16.3.2. Step 2: Edit your movie
          3. 16.3.3. Step 3: Save your edited movie
    11. VI. Help!
      1. 17. The Case of the Broken Window
        1. 17.1. Windows 7 Keeps Asking Me for Permission
        2. 17.2. I Need System Restore to Fix My PC
        3. 17.3. I Need to Retrieve Deleted or Damaged Files
          1. 17.3.1. Undeleting accidentally deleted files
          2. 17.3.2. Retrieving previous versions of files and folders
        4. 17.4. My Settings Are Messed Up
        5. 17.5. I Forgot My Password
        6. 17.6. My Folder (Or Desktop) Doesn't Show All My Files
        7. 17.7. My Mouse Doesn't Work Right
        8. 17.8. My Double-Clicks Are Now Single Clicks
        9. 17.9. I Can't Run Older Programs under Windows 7
        10. 17.10. I Can't Find the Folder Menus
        11. 17.11. My Computer Is Frozen Up Solid
      2. 18. Strange Messages: What You Did Does Not Compute
        1. 18.1. Activate Windows Now
        2. 18.2. Could Not Perform This Operation Because the Default Mail Client Is Not Properly Installed
        3. 18.3. Device Driver Software Was Not Successfully Installed
        4. 18.4. Do You Trust This Printer?
        5. 18.5. Do You Want to Allow the Following Program to Make Changes to This Computer?
        6. 18.6. Do You Want to Install (Or Run) This Software?
        7. 18.7. Do You Want to Save Changes?
        8. 18.8. Do You Want to Turn AutoComplete On?
        9. 18.9. Find an Antivirus Program Online
        10. 18.10. Installing Device Driver Software
        11. 18.11. Set Up Windows Internet Explorer 8
        12. 18.12. View Important Messages
        13. 18.13. Windows Can't Open This File
        14. 18.14. You Don't Currently Have Permission to Access This Folder
      3. 19. Moving from an Old Computer to a New Windows 7 PC
        1. 19.1. Preparing to Move into Your New PC
          1. 19.1.1. Choosing how to transfer your old information
          2. 19.1.2. Installing your old PC's programs onto your new PC
        2. 19.2. Transferring Information Between Two PCs with Windows Easy Transfer
          1. 19.2.1. Transferring through an Easy Transfer cable
          2. 19.2.2. Transferring through a network
          3. 19.2.3. Transferring through a portable hard drive or flash drive
          4. 19.2.4. Picking and choosing the files, folders, and accounts to transfer
        3. 19.3. Disposing of Your Old Computer
      4. 20. Help on the Windows 7 Help System
        1. 20.1. Consulting a Program's Built-In Computer Guru
        2. 20.2. Finding the Information You Need in Windows Help and Support Center
        3. 20.3. Summoning the Windows 7 Troubleshooters
    12. VII. The Part of Tens
      1. 21. Ten or So Things You'll Hate about Windows 7 (And How to Fix Them)
        1. 21.1. I Can't Stand Those Nagging Permission Screens
        2. 21.2. I Can't Copy Music to My iPod
        3. 21.3. The Menus All Disappeared
        4. 21.4. The "Glass" Effects Slow Down My PC or Laptop
        5. 21.5. My Quick Launch Toolbar Is Gone!
        6. 21.6. Windows Makes Me Log On All the Time
        7. 21.7. The Taskbar Keeps Disappearing
        8. 21.8. I Can't Keep Track of Open Windows
        9. 21.9. I Can't Line Up Two Windows on the Screen
        10. 21.10. It Won't Let Me Do Something Unless I'm an Administrator!
        11. 21.11. I Don't Know What Version of Windows I Have
        12. 21.12. My Print Screen Key Doesn't Work
        13. 21.13. I Can't Upgrade to Windows 7 from Windows XP!
      2. 22. Ten or So Tips for Laptop Owners
        1. 22.1. Adjusting Your Laptop's Settings Quickly
        2. 22.2. Choosing What Happens When You Close Your Laptop's Lid
        3. 22.3. Adjusting to Different Locations
          1. 22.3.1. Changing your time zone
          2. 22.3.2. Connecting to a wireless Internet hotspot
          3. 22.3.3. Dialing a modem from a new location
        4. 22.4. Backing Up Your Laptop Before Traveling
      3. A. Upgrading to Windows 7
        1. A.1. Preparing for Windows 7
        2. A.2. Upgrading from Windows Vista to Windows 7
        3. A.3. Installing Windows 7 Over Windows XP

    Product information

    • Title: Windows® 7 for Dummies®
    • Author(s): Andy Rathbone
    • Release date: September 2009
    • Publisher(s): For Dummies
    • ISBN: 9780470497432