

@-ms-viewport rules, 326, 329


About Page settings, creating, 187-189

account settings, creating, 396-401

activated events, app events, 312-325

adapting to screen changes (MyTasks app), 440-443

addEventListener(), 315


Page Controls to Navigation App, 343-345

search results pages, 373-376

SearchBox control to pages, 377-378

Ajax calls, performing with xhr() function, 69-74

response types, specifying, 72-73

alert.css file, 338

alert.js file, 338

any() method, 63

app bar, 8-9

app events, 311-312

activated events, 312-325

creating custom, 315

deferring events, 314-315

designing apps for different window sizes

CSS media queries, 321-324

error events, 313-314

logging, 312

AppBar control, 176-184

commands, 178-181

contextual commands, ...

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