
Internet Explorer


Internet Explorer, the default web browser included with Windows, is also responsible for the Windows Update feature, discussed later in this chapter, as well as Help and Support (discussed in Chapter 4) and several other features of Windows XP. These settings primarily affect the display of web pages in Internet Explorer as well as many of the security features of the browser. Some settings also affect the Internet connection, used by all browsers.

Internet Connection, set up

Control Panel Internet Options Connection tab Setup

Internet Explorer, abbreviate link addresses in status bar

Control Panel Internet Options Advanced tag Browsing Show friendly URLs

Internet Explorer, ActiveX settings

Control Panel Internet Options Security tab Custom Level

Internet Explorer, additional security policies

Group Policy (gpedit.msc) Computer Configuration Administrative Templates Windows Components Internet Explorer

Group Policy (gpedit.msc) User Configuration Administrative Templates Windows Components Internet Explorer

Internet Explorer, animated GIFs (enable / disable)

Control Panel Internet Options Advanced tag Multimedia Play animations in web pages

Internet Explorer, AutoComplete settings

See Autocomplete.

Internet Explorer, automatically check for updates

Control Panel Internet Options Advanced tag Browsing Automatically check for Internet Explorer updates

Internet Explorer, automatically download ...

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