
Sound Recorder — \windows\system32\sndrec32.exe


Record and play sound (.wav ) files.

To Open

Start Programs Accessories Entertainment Sound Recorder

Command Prompt sndrec32


sndrec32 [play] [/close] [filename.wav]


Sound Recorder is used to record simple sound clips and play them back. It supports standard sound (.wav) files used in Control Panel [Sounds, Speech, and Audio Devices] Sounds and Audio Devices and hundreds of other applications (see Figure 4-89).

Use Sound Recorder to create short audio clips (.wav files)

Figure 4-89. Use Sound Recorder to create short audio clips (.wav files)

Its controls are just like those you’d find on a VCR or tape deck, including the standard rewind, fast forward, play, stop, and record. The slider lets you set the position the “playback head” anywhere within the sound file. Both the total length of the sound clip in seconds and your position in the file are shown above. A waveform display gives a visual readout of the sound as it plays.

When running Sound Recorder from the command line, you can use the following options:


The name of the sound file to load.


Plays the specified sound file immediately. Without this option, the file will be loaded but not played.


Closes Sound Recorder when finished playing the sound clip; otherwise, the Sound Recorder window remains open.

Go to File New to create a new, blank sound file (.wav). If your computer has ...

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