Action crisis, 114

Aikido, 37

Airbnb, 63

Albert, Neil, 75

Alto prototype computer, 141

American Express OPEN Forum, 146n

An Anti-Creativity Checklist (Youngme Moon), 149–150

Apple, 16–17, 50, 141–142

Argyris, Chris, 59


made in stress evaluation, 166–167

surfacing, 79–82

testing, 83–85

Atkinson, Bill, 141

Attention density, 73–75

Available resources, 72–73

Ayduk, Ozlem, 162

Ayres, Ian, 51n

“Beast Barracks,” 118–119

Beck, Charlie, 21

Behavioral economics, 95

Belleville, Bob, 142

Berger, Warren, 40, 41

Blink (Malcolm Gladwell), 26, 27

Bounded rationality, 91

Brain, mind vs., xii–xiv


basic rules of, 37–38

and leaping, 8

limitations of, 14

prevention of idea rejection in, 131

Bratton, William, 21

Braun, 142

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