
Page numbers in italics refer to topics in tables and figures. Where figures or tables are on the page or inclusive pages of the topic the page numbers have not been repeated.

Abrahams, Harold: Chariots of Fire 18

Academy Award 10, 18, 163, 174n1, 186, 359, 363, 371, 375, 377, 402, 406

Academy of Motion Picture Arts and Sciences 14, 152

act 75, 1923; see also three-act story structure; three-act structures for film and television

action: condensing action and plot 255; description 4950; vs. dialogue 2279

action-adventure movies 405

actuality 154

Adams, Amy: Miss Pettigrew Lives for a Day 214

adaptations 16, 143, 186n10, 22240, 246, 247, 312, 313, 382; Bartleby 23440; descriptive detail and the camera frame 22930; dialogue vs. action ...

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