© Gerald Versluis 2017

Gerald Versluis, Xamarin.Forms Essentials, https://doi.org/10.1007/978-1-4842-3240-8_1

1. A Brief History of Xamarin

Gerald Versluis

(1)Sittard, The Netherlands

Before you start diving into the specifics of Xamarin.Forms, it will be useful for you to have a little more information about Xamarin itself. This chapter explains where Xamarin came from, where it is now, and why there was a need for Xamarin.Forms to begin with. In addition, it shows you what is contained in Xamarin.Forms and when to use it or when to avoid it. For brevity, you may find that I simply use the term “Forms” instead of the full Xamarin.Forms name.

How It All Started

Xamarin.Forms is only a small part of the greater solution that is called Xamarin. Xamarin ...

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