Transform Documents with XQuery

XQuery is a new language under development by the W3C that’s designed to query collections of XML data. XQuery provides a mechanism to efficiently and easily extract data from XML documents or from any data source that can be viewed as XML, such as relational databases.

XQuery ( provides a powerful mechanism to pull XML content from multiple sources and dynamically generate new content using a programmer-friendly declarative language. The XQuery code in Example 2-12 (shakes.xqy) formats in XHTML a list of unique speakers in each act of Shakespeare’s play Hamlet. The hamlet.xml file can be found at

Example 2-12. A simple XQuery to search Shakespeare (shakes.xqy)

  for $act in doc("hamlet.xml")//ACT
  let $speakers := distinct-values($act//SPEAKER)
      <h1>{ $act/TITLE/text( ) }</h1>
        for $speaker in $speakers
        return <li>{ $speaker }</li>

This example demonstrates a XQuery FLWOR (pronounced flower) expression. The name comes from the five possible clauses of the expression: for, let, where, order by, and return. Example 2-12 says that for every ACT element appearing at any level in the hamlet.xml file, let the $speakers variable equal the distinct values of all the SPEAKER elements found under that instance of ACT. Then for every $act and $speakers value, return the $act’s TITLE text using an h1 element ...

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