Post Photos to Your Blog
If you take a few minutes to enter some information about your weblog at Flickr, you can post photos directly to your weblog with a single click.
Even though many weblog systems offer tools to help you upload and include images with your posts, you might find that Flickr is a nice alternative to the standard photo tools. Once you upload a photo to Flickr [Hack #67] , you have several options for including that photo in your weblog posts.
Blog This
The most direct way to send a photo from Flickr to your weblog is through the Blog This button above each of your photos, as shown in Figure 6-13.
To enable the Blog This button, you need to give Flickr some information about your weblog.
Figure 6-13. The Blog This button above a photo at Flickr
Configuring a weblog.
Setting up Flickr to post to a weblog is a simple process. Click Your Account at the top of any page at Flickr and then click Your Blogs under the section labeled Blogging. You’ll find a list of any weblogs you’ve already set up, or you can click “Set up a new blog” to add a new weblog to your account.
The first step to setting up a new weblog is telling Flickr which weblog tool you use. Flickr supports the following weblog systems:
- Blogger
- TypePad
- Movable Type
- LiveJournal
- WordPress
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