Chapter 14
Mining the YouTube Goldmine
In This Chapter
- Configuring your channel for monetization
- Creating an AdSense account for payment management and ad control
- Linking your YouTube channel with your AdSense account
- Understanding how ads work on your channel
- Making changes to increase ad revenue
If you have a great channel with fabulous content and you excel at social media and community interaction, you have a good shot at making some money from your all your hard YouTube work. In YouTube and digital advertising lingo, this is monetization. If you've already read Chapter 13, you know all about how advertisers pay for YouTube advertising. You've probably figured out that the advertising money has to go somewhere. It does — into the hands of Google, your partners, and you: the channel manager/publisher/creator.
You can make money from your YouTube work in many ways, too:
- Create a paid channel. Charge users to view some or all of the content on your channel.
- Monetize your video content. Allow ads to be placed against your content.
- Join a multichannel network. Become part of a MCN. (For more on MCNs, see Bonus Chapter 2.)
- Sell products. Use your YouTube content to help your viewers make a decision about your products or services.
- Get an endorsement deal. Sponsorship deals work when they're made without too much over-the-top promotion.
You can read about monetization in this chapter, and you may already have the basic info about MCNs and selling products from previous chapters. ...
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