Chapter 13. Ten Tips for YouTube Videographers
In This Chapter
Choosing your equipment
Mastering your equipment
Creating a makeshift studio
Recording video from a car
Creating a documentary-style video
YouTube is all about video. Some of the video on the Tube is very good, some of it is very bad, and some of it is just plain mediocre. If you shoot your own video and you want to stand out above the crowd, you can easily do so by following the sage advice that we present in Chapters 7 and 8. In this chapter, you'll find ten tips that apply to anyone who records their own video. We show you information on how to choose and master your equipment, how to create a makeshift studio, how to record video while driving, and much more.
Choosing a Camcorder
If you're going to record quality video, start with equipment that will capture quality video. We're not saying you have to get the latest and greatest, all-singing, all-dancing, high-definition camcorder with minty-fresh aftertaste. Just get the best equipment you can afford, especially if you're creating video to promote yourself or a product. The following list shows some features and specifications that will help you to choose the best possible camcorder for your needs, which in turn will give you the best possible video to present on the Tube.
Sensor type: Camcorders have two types of sensors: CCD (Charge Coupled Device) sensors, and CMOS (Complementary Metal Oxide Semiconductor) sensors. Both offer excellent image quality. However, the CMOS ...
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