14.6. Customizing the Delegation of Control Wizard


You want to add or remove new delegation options in the Delegation of Control Wizard.


Open the Delegation of Control Wizard INF file ( %SystemRoot%\Inf\Delegwiz.inf ) on the computer you want to modify the wizard for.

Under the [DelegationTemplates] section, you’ll see a line like the following:

Templates = template1, template2, template3, template4, template5, template6, 
template7, template8, template9,template10, template11, template12, template13

You need to append a new template name. In this case I’ll follow the same naming convention and create a template named template14. The line now looks like this:

Templates = template1, template2, template3, template4, template5, template6, 
template7, template8, template9,template10, template11, template12, template13, 

Scroll to the end of the file and append a new template section. You can use the other template sections as examples. Here is the generic format:

AppliesToClasses = <CommaSeparatedOfObjectClassesInvokedFrom>

Description = "<DescriptionShownInWizard>"

ObjectTypes = <CommaSeparatedListOfObjectClassesThatAreSet>

<Permission entries for Scope>

<Permission entries for ObjectClass1>

<Permission entries for ObjectClass2>

 . . .

<TemplateName> is the same as what we used in the [DelegationTemplates] section, e.g., template14.

In the AppliesToClasses line, ...

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