

3D look, adding to mammoth, 349

3D menu, explained, 8


\ (backslash), using with masks, 49, 298



camera applications, 96-97

filters, 96

intervalometers, 96

mobile control, 97

tripods, 95-96

ACR (Adobe Camera Raw). See also Camera Raw plug-in; raw files applying adjustments, 103

batch processing, 103

clarity, 101

comparisons, 103

contrast, 100

Curves adjustments, 102

editing in, 98, 291

exposure, 100

Family Magic, 371

highlights, 100

Presets icon, 103

saturation and vibrance, 102

shadows, 101

sharpening controls, 103

sliders, 99-102

Smart Objects, 103

temperature and tint, 99

using as filter, 80

whites and blacks, 101

actions, using, 118-122

Adaptive Wide Angle filter, 184-187. See also wide-angle lenses

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