
Note: Page numbers followed by b indicate boxes, f indicate figures and t indicate tables.


Abiotic resources, depletion of 74t
Absolute temperature scale 25–27
Absorbability 424t
cycle 554
of energy 314
gas turbine trigeneration system with absorption cooling, heating, and power 566–569
hybrid solar/syngas trigeneration with ORC, SOFC, and absorption 564–566
of isobaric heat 266
lithium-bromide cycle 536
SOFC-ORC-absorption trigeneration system fueled with natural gas and biomass 562–563, 563f
Acar, C. 166
Acceleration (a4t , 5–6
Acidic precipitation 73, 74t
mechanisms of 80, 80f
NOX emissions and 79–80
water quality and 81
Activation  ...

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