Principle: Know Your Data

We discussed a variety of common actions you might need to perform on some data. You might need to sort data to produce a specific ordering. You might need to search through data to locate a specific piece of information. Your data may be accessible in random access (where you can fetch any piece of information at any time) or sequentially using an Iterator (where each element is generated one at a time). Without specific knowledge about your data, it is only possible to recommend algorithms in the most general way.

If you are sorting data, there is no "one size fits all" approach that consistently delivers the best performance. Table 11-1 summarizes the results of the sorting algorithms presented in Chapter 4. Do you have a set of integers from a limited range to be sorted? No sorting algorithm will be faster than Counting Sort, although it requires more storage than other sorting algorithms. Do you have a set of complex data that is already mostly sorted? Insertion Sort will typically outperform any other approach. Does relative ordering of equal elements matter to you? If so, then a stable sorting algorithm is needed. Are you sure that your input data is drawn from a uniform distribution? You must investigate using Bucket Sort because of its ability to take advantage of this property to provide exceptional sorting performance. You will be able to select the most appropriate algorithm based upon your data as you become more familiar with the available ...

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