
Note: Page numbers followed by f indicate figures and t indicate tables.


Acceptance region 278
Analysis of variance (ANOVA) 282
basics 282–284
column effects 469, 475
contrasts 283
general linear models 478
multicomparison method 463–469
one-way (classification) layout model 453–463
row effects 469, 475
tables for 458t, 475t, 476t
two models of 453–484
two-way (classification) layout model 469–482
uses 282
apriori probabilities 46–47
normal 306
unbiased 507, 511
Average 3, 5
Axiomatic definition of probability 25, 26


Bayes approach 319
decision function 413–414
estimate 317–318, 321
formula 47–48
Best linear predictor 168
expectation 320–321
p.d.f. 320–321
Binomial distribution 93–95
cumulative table 521t, ...

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