adaptive background grid

grid generation, 43

adaptive mesh refinement, 269, 397, 435

adaptive remeshing, 284

adjoint solvers, 462, 467

adjoint unknowns, 467

advancing front

grid generation, 49, 51

advancing front/greedy algorithm

domain decomposition, 341

advancing-front vicinity search

interpolation, 250, 252

advection operator, 201

agglomeration techniques

reduction of indirect addressing, 309

shared memory parallel computing, 330

ALE (arbitrary Lagrangian Eulerian), 227, 371

Amdahl's Law

parallel computing, 328

approximate gradients

optimization, 471

approximate Riemann solver, 195

approximation of operators, 123

approximation theory, 109, 121, 457

array access in loops, 300

artificial compressibility, 206

artificial viscosity, 167, 168

automatic grid generation methods, 47, 284

background grid

grid generation, 42, 45, 50

background sources

grid generation, 39

backward substitution

solution of systems of equations, 139

balancing dissipation, 202

bandwidth of a matrix, 138, 140

bin renumbering, 302

bin sorting and searching, 22

binary tree

data structures, 19, 26

block methods

preconditioning, 146

block-diagonal preconditioning, 142

body alignment of meshes, 35

boundary recovery

Delaunay triangulation, 63


free surface flows, 241, 434

cache, 300, 326, 329

cache miss, 56, 140, 300, 324, 354

CAD (computer aided design), 38, 106, 359, 378, 383, 459

Cartesian grids, 36

central difference, 161, 194

CFD (computational fluid dynamics), 1, 3, 269

CFD code, 4, 116

chains ...

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