Abadi, Martin, 66
Absolute rate, of language, 234
Accreditation, 103
Active attacks, 27
Active cheaters, 27
Adams, Carlisle, 334
Adaptive-chosen-plaintext attack, 6
Addition chaining, 244
Adjudicator, 26
Adleman, Leonard M., 163–164, 467
Adler, Roy, 266
Agnew, G. B., 423
Algebraic structure, DES, 282–283
all-or-nothing disclosure of secrets, 543–546
Barrett's, 244
Berlekamp-Massey algorithm, 380, 404
breaking, 8
cipher block chaining mode, 193–197, 208–210
cipher block chaining of plaintext difference mode, 208
cipher block chaining with checksum, 207–208
cipher-feedback mode, 200–202, 208–210
cipher mode
summary, 209
classes, 217
coin flipping
using Blum integers, 543
using exponentiation modulo p, 542–543
constant, 238
convertible undeniable signatures, 538–539
cubic, 238
data compression, 226
designated confirmer signatures, 539–540
digital signatures, 39
exponential, 238
factoring, 256
ISO/IEC 9979 registered, 607
Karnin-Greene-Hellman, 530
Khufu, 317
linear, 238
linear syndrome, 381
multiple block
combining, 368
multiple-key ...
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