Deploying the DocsApp smart contract

We need to set up a new chaincode directory for our contract. In your Hyperledger Fabric fabric-samples directory, navigate to the chaincode directory. It will be at the following location by default:


We will use the following steps to deploy our DocsApp smart contract:

  1. In the chaincode folder, create a new folder with the name docsapp.
  2. In the docsapp folder, create an index.js file with the following values:
/* * SPDX-License-Identifier: Apache-2.0 */'use strict';const docsapp = require('./lib/docsapp');module.exports.docsapp = docsapp;module.exports.contracts = [ docsapp ];

This will declare the docsapp object, which will be used by our peer chaincode install and peer chaincode ...

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