
Full forms (elaborations) of the acronyms used in the book.

Abbreviation Full form or Meaning
ABFT Asynchronous Byzantine Fault Tolerance
AI Artificial Intelligence
AML Anti-money Laundering
APB Advanced Peripheral Bus Bridge
API Application Programming Interface
ASA Authentication Service Agency
ASCII American Standard Code for Information Interchange
ATM Automated Teller Machine
AUA Authentication User Agency
AWS Amazon Web Services
B2B Business-to-Business
B2C Business-to-Consumer
BAT Basic Attention Token
BCH Bitcoin Cash
BCT Blockchain Technology
BGP Byzantine Generals Problem
BIP Bitcoin Improvement Proposal
BLI Breach Level Index
BNB Build and Build (previously known as Binance Coin)
B/L Bill of Lading
BTC Bitcoin
BTC-SV Bitcoin Cash – Satoshi Vision
BTM Bitcoin Teller Machine
CaaS Containers as a service
CBS Content-Based Storage
CCA Central Competent Authority
CCP Central Counter Parties
CDC Centers for Disease Control and Prevention
CFT Countering the Financing of Terrorism
CIDR Central Identity Data Repository
CIS Computer Information Science
CLS Continuous Linked Settlement
CNN Convolutional Neural Network
CPU Central Processing Unit
CSD Central Securities Depository
CSS Cascading Style Sheet
CTOR Canonical Transaction Ordering Route
CUDA Compute Unified Device Architecture
CV Curriculum Vitae
DAA Difficulty Adjustment Algorithms
DAC Decentralized Autonomous Corporations ...

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