
Note: Page numbers followed by “f” and “t” refer to figures and tables, respectively.


Agile, 25–26, 38
Andreev, Oleg, 99t
Apache Software Foundation, 93–94, 99t
Apollo 13, 26–27, 27f
Apple, 76–77, 88t, 91t
Keynote, 49–50
Atlassian, 99t
JIRA, 29, 30f, 93–94
Auto-completion, 67–68
in Espresso, 68f
Auto-indent, 67
Auto-pairing, 68–69
Axure, 49–50


Back-end code, 55
Balsamiq, 49–50
Bare Bones Software, 65–66, 69t, 91t
BBEdit, 65–66, 66–69, 69t
BeOS, 99t
Black Pixel, 90–91, 91t, 94–96, 99t
Bootstrap, 28, 51, 134, 134f, 135–136
Brackets, 75, 75f, 76t
Branches, 92–93
Browser developer tools, 76–88, 88t
Chrome, 81–82
Firebug, 82–83
Firefox, 83–86
Internet Explorer, 86–88
Safari Web Inspector, 77–81
Button, ...

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