- Achor, Shawn, 33, 77, 105
- action, 95; as antidote for anxiety, 96, 128; positive, 31–32
- adaptability, 82, 88, 117; of the brain, 75–76, 83; of Khan, 83–84
- adrenal fatigue, 53
- advantage, happiness, 33, 82
- Africa, burnout in, 15
- After the Shock (Sansbury), 60
- Age of Burnout, 3, 11, 49
- Aha moments, 36, 37, 38, 45, 55
- Ahhhh moments, 111; breakthroughs as, 36, 55, 97; of Gerbyshak, 125; of Sansbury, 104
- Anarchis, 118
- anxiety, 39, 114; action as antidote for, 96, 128; student, 14; workplace, 15
- Armour, J. Andrew, 90
- articles and data on burnout, 16
- Asimov, Isaac, 118
- assessment, burnout, 17–18
- assignments, negotiating, 100
- attitude, 119
- attrition, 14
- Australia, burnout in, 14
- authentic success, 126
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