7.3.3. Class Types

Every class defines a unique type. Two different classes define two different types even if they define the same members. For example:

Exercises Section 7.3.2

Exercise 7.27: Add the move, set, and display operations to your version of Screen. Test your class by executing the following code:

Screen myScreen(5, 5, 'X');myScreen.move(4,0).set('#').display(cout);cout << "\n";myScreen.display(cout);cout << "\n";

Exercise 7.28: What would happen in the previous exercise if the return type of move, set, and display was Screen rather than Screen&?

Exercise 7.29: Revise your Screen class so that move, set, and display functions return Screen and check your prediction from the previous exercise.

Exercise 7.30: It is legal but redundant ...

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