Appendix A

American Standard Code for Information Interchange

ASCII Value Symbol Description
000 (NUL) Null char
001 ☺ (SOH) Start of Heading
002 ☻ (STX) Start of Text
003 ♥ (ETX) End of Text
004 ♦ (EOT) End of Transmission
005 ♣ (ENQ) Enquiry
006 ♠ (ACK) Acknowledgment
007 • (BEL) Bell
008 ◘ (BS) Back Space
009 ○ (HT) Horizontal Tab
010 ◙ (LF) Line Feed
011 ♂ (VT) Vertical Tab
012 ♀ (FF) Form Feed
013 ♪ (CR) Carriage Return
014 ♫ (SO) Shift Out / X-On
015 ☼ (SI) Shift In / X-Off
016 ► (DLE) Data Line Escape
017 ◄ (DC1) Device Control 1 (often XON)
018 ↕ (DC2) Device Control 2
019 ‼ (DC3) Device Control 3 (often XOFF)
020 ¶ (DC4) Device Control 4
021 § (NAK) Negative Acknowledgement
022 ▬ (SYN) ...

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