Chapter 3

Recent Memories: Calculus Review


Bullet Understanding and evaluating limits

Bullet Knowing derivatives of the most common functions

Bullet Using the Power rule, Sum rule, and Constant Multiple rule

Bullet Making sense of the Chain rule

If you’re currently taking a Calculus II course, you probably just finished Calculus I. But even if you got a good grade in that class, you may be overwhelmed by all the information you had to cram into your brain in only 15 weeks.

Fortunately, you don’t need to remember everything you learned there to do well in Calculus II. In this chapter, I review the information that’s likely to help you the most in your current class.

To begin, I show you a variety of ways to calculate limits, or to show that a limit doesn’t exist. Next, I remind you of 17 derivatives of important functions that you absolutely, positively need to remember. I show you how to apply the Power rule, the Sum rule, and the Constant Multiple rule to vastly increase the types of functions that you can differentiate.

Beyond that, I give you practice working with the Product rule, the Quotient ...

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