

A Major and Urgent Strategic Task – On Efforts to Build a Learning-oriented Marxist party, 3
Acer, 209
Administrative Litigation Law (ALL), 185
Aérospatiale, 78
Africa, 27
Agreed Framework, 33
Air Warning and Control System (AWACS) aircraft, 89
American-style media diplomacy
approach, 206
Angola, 210
Anholt Index of Nation Brands, 219
Anti-Ship Ballistic Missile (ASBM), 96
Apple, 209
armoured personnel carriers (APC), 84
ASEAN, 28, 155
Asian Financial Crisis (1997), 194, 206
Asian values, 176–9
Associated Press, 207


ballistic missile defence (BMD), 95
Baowei Zheng, 207–8
BASIC group, 120
Beijing, 155, 207, 209
objectives, 210–11
‘Beijing Consensus’, 211
Beijing model, 39–40
Beijing Olympics (2008), 205
benignity, 210
biodiversity, ...

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