AACH (American Academy of Communication in Healthcare), 24
ACA (Affordable Care Act), 10
Accountability, 10–11, 141–142, 145
Accreditation Council for Graduate Medical Education (ACGME), 194
ACPs (see Advanced care providers)
Acting as a unit, 196–198, 201, 202
Active learning, 100–101
Adult learning theory, 50–51
Advanced care providers (ACPs), 163–178
education level of, 171–172
in interprofessional training programs, 171–177
patient satisfaction scores for, 174–175
replicating participants’ environments and challenges in, 166–167
training physicians separately from, 164–166
training process for, 166–171
use of standardized patients with, 99
Affordable Care Act (ACA), 10
Agenda setting, 77–79
AI (see Appreciative inquiry)
American ...
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