
Italic page numbers refer to examples of posters, adverts, and quotes.


advertising 3748

case studies 637

compared with direct marketing 39

hard-working direct response 42

high-profile brand awareness 42

pitching it right 3940

advertising copywriters, interviews 537

Allen, Robert G., quotable quotes 85

Alzheimers Association, advert 52, 54

American Medical Association, newsletter 139

Amnesty International, case study 635

AON Commercial Services, web page 171

Argos, case study 1245

audience profile, defining and targeting 1014, 23, 25, 34, 45

Australia Post; send a letter campaign, poster 15

Awdry, Will (Ogilvy), interview 557


benefit-led selling 13, 289, 31, 42, 44, 58

Bernbach, Bill, quotable quotes 10, 23

Bezos, Jeff, quotable ...

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