harmonising data 84
positioning 926
value creation 533–4, 536–9, 541–6
balancing 893
DPO ratio 196
accruals 93
see also inventories
LBOs 869
see also mergers and acquisitions
actuarial present value 110
additive valuation methods 617
adjusted income 84
ADRs see American Depositary Receipts
advance dividends 744
affirmative covenants 411
after-tax basis
agency cost hypothesis 710
agency theory
demergers 855
internal financing 727
LBOs 872
risk insurance 924
warrants 463
Air France KLM convertible bond issue 467
Aït-Mokhtar, Yann 680
asset contributions 845–6, 848
pros and cons 848
the way forward 854
Almeida, H. 657
ALRG see asset liability refinancing gap
alternative portfolio management 340
American Depositary Receipts (ADRs) 491–2
accounting procedures ...
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