
Aalberg, T. 145

absentee ownership 7677

activism 109

actors see market actors

agency 171172

agenda-setting by business media 145146

Aguilera, R. 91

Ahrne, G. 168, 170

Airports Council International (ACI-Europe) 50

Alberta Investment Management Corporation 96

Alchian, A. A. 29

Amnesty International 30, 120124

Annan, K. 53, 54

annual general meetings 8688

Apple 107

Asia Monitor Resource Centre 114

Aviation Environmental Protection (CAEP) 49

backstage work 169171

Baranek, P. M. 150

Battilana, J. 172

Beck, U. 99

Becker, L. C. 35

Best Practice Principles for Providers of Shareholder Voting Research & Analysis 97

Bielefeld, W. 107

boundary-spanning units 173175

Bourdieu, P. 27

boycotts 113

Brunsson, N. 168, 170, 190191, 192193

Bryant, ...

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