Chapter 12. Ten Easy Steps to Create Your Own Patterns
Introducing the pattern catalog style
</objective> <objective>Understanding the Rule of Three standard
</objective> <objective>Creating your own pattern
</objective> <objective>Sharing your pattern with others
</objective> </feature>Suddenly, there’s a terrific roar on the grounds of Missiles-N-Stuff, the company where you’ve been hired as a consultant. As you watch, a missile thunders off over the horizon.
“Darn,” say the Missiles-N-Stuff programmers. “That one wasn’t supposed to go off.”
“Isn’t it heading towards town?” you ask.
“Yep,” they say, “but don’t worry about it. They’re used to evacuations. The real problem is our code. Somehow we just can’t make sure that missiles don’t go off by accident. The code’s gotten too large to handle it easily — everything’s become too interwoven. Isn’t there a design pattern that will help us out?”
“Nope,” you say, “but you can invent one.”
This Part of Tens chapter gives you a guide for how to build your own pattern in ten easy steps. Just follow along, and you’re on the route to fame and fortune (well, maybe not fame . . . and the fortune part isn’t all that sure either. . . .).
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