Maps and Structs

The map has rapidly become the go-to data structure for Elixir programmers. For the purposes of this section, we’re going to treat maps and structs as basically the same thing. In IEx, you can see that a struct is actually implemented as a map. Let’s take a peek under the hood:

 iex(1)>​ ​defmodule​ User ​do
 ...(1)>​ defstruct [​:name​, ​:email​]
 ...(1)>​ ​end
 {:module, User, ...}
 iex(2)>​ map = %User{}
 %User{email: nil, name: nil}
 iex(3)>​ is_map(map)
 iex(4)>​ map.__struct__

So a User is actually a map. All structs have a __struct__ field that plain Elixir maps don’t have. Let’s look at the functions User supports. In IEx, type “User.” and then type tab, twice:

 iex(5)>​ User.__struct__
 __struct__/0 ...

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