To create holographic applications, you will need an appropriately equipped development machine. This means you need a Windows 10 PC, but not just any old Windows 10 PC. You will need to be able to run the HoloLens Emulator, which will run on a virtual machine that is running under your primary operating system. You need the Emulator so that you can test your code as soon as you make an update or change without having to upload it to a HoloLens every time. You will also want a system with a fast enough processor and sufficient memory. Here’s what you will ...
© Allen G. Taylor 2016
Allen G. Taylor, Develop Microsoft HoloLens Apps Now, 10.1007/978-1-4842-2202-7_5
5. Getting Started with HoloLens Development
Allen G. Taylor1
(1)Oregon City, Oregon, USA
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