@ symbol 292
0-1 transition 523
1-0 transition 523
1-controllability 397, 399, 401
74181 ALU
gate-level drawing 376
95% confidence level 347
Abbreviated descriptor cell 145, 149
ABIST (array BIST) 479
ABT test 477
AC test 298
Acceptable fault coverage 471
Acceptable quality level (AQL) 2, 17, 23, 348, 388, 551
Accumulate signatures 460
Accuracy, definition of 285
Action/check pair 587
Active fault tolerance 495, 499
Acyclic circuit 40, 92, 260, 263
Adaptive experiments 266
Addition of two vectors 538
Address decoder faults 522
Address lines 515
Addressable Registers 411–412, 415
Ad-hoc DFT solutions 388–389, 393–395
Ad-hoc techniques 635
AHPL (A Hardware Programming Language) 35, 597–598, 601, 604
Almost-full-scan 427
Alpha particles 537
simulation 272
state machine 267–269, 272–275
Ambiguous region 63
AmZ8065 Burst Error Processor 502
Analysis of a Faulted Circuit 122–125
AQL see Acceptable quality level
Artificial intelligence (AI) 599
Assertion checker 577
ATLAS (Abbreviated Test Language for All Systems) 320
Atomic proposition(s) 636, 642, 646
ATPG/fault ...
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