
Actionable information, 32–35

ADB. See Asian Development Bank

Advanced economies challenges, 99–103

Anti-Corruption Action Plan, 79

Arab Spring, 39–40

Algerian protests, 49–50

conflicts in Morocco, 46–47

conflicts in Syria, 45–46

demonstrations in Jordan, 47–49

in Djibouti, 52–53

in Egypt, 41

Iraqi protests, 50

Kuwaiti protests, 51

in Libya, 41–42

in Mauritania, 52–53

protests in Bahrain, 44–45

in Saudi Arabia, 52–53

in Sudan, 51–52

in Tunisia, 40–41

in West Sahara, 52–53

in Yemen, 42–44

ASEAN. See Association of Southeast Asian Nations

Ash-sha`b yurid isqat an-nizam, 40

Asian Development Bank (ADB), 112–113

Association of Southeast Asian Nations (ASEAN), 29

Bananagate scandal, 74

“Beyond Economic Growth” (Soubbotina and Sheram), 28

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