Chapter 4. Cruising the Filesystem

In the movie The Adventures of Buckaroo Banzai Across the 8th Dimension, a classic cult comedy from 1984, the swashbuckling title character offers the following Zen-like words of wisdom: “Remember, no matter where you go…​there you are.” Buckaroo could very well have been talking about the Linux filesystem:

$ cd /usr/share/lib/etc/bin              No matter where you go...
$ pwd
/usr/share/lib/etc/bin                   ...there you are.

It’s also the case that wherever you are in the Linux filesystem—​your current directory—you will eventually go somewhere else (to another directory). The faster and more efficiently you can perform this navigation, the more productive you can be.

The techniques in this chapter will help you navigate the filesystem more quickly with less typing. They look deceptively simple but have enormous bang for the buck, with small learning curves and big payoffs. These techniques fall into two broad categories:

  • Moving quickly to a specific directory

  • Returning rapidly to a directory you’ve visited before

For a quick refresher on Linux directories, see Appendix A. If you use a shell other than bash, see Appendix B for additional notes.

Visiting Specific Directories Efficiently

If you ask 10 Linux experts what is the most tedious aspect of the command line, seven of them will say, “Typing long directory paths.”1 After all, if your work files are in /home/smith/Work/Projects/Apps/Neutron-Star/src/include, your financial documents are in /home/smith/Finances/Bank/Checking/Statements, and your videos are in /data/Arts/Video/Collection, it’s no fun to retype these paths over and over. In this section, you’ll learn techniques to navigate to a given directory efficiently.

Jump to Your Home Directory

Let’s begin with the basics. No matter where you go in the filesystem, you can return to your home directory by running cd with no arguments:

$ pwd
/etc                              Start somewhere else
$ cd                              Run cd with no arguments...
$ pwd
/home/smith                       ...and you're home again

To jump to subdirectories within your home directory from anywhere in the filesystem, refer to your home directory with a shorthand rather than an absolute path such as /home/smith. One shorthand is the shell variable HOME:

$ cd $HOME/Work

Another is a tilde:

$ cd ~/Work

Both $HOME and ~ are expressions expanded by the shell, a fact that you can verify by echoing them to stdout:

$ echo $HOME ~
/home/smith /home/smith

The tilde can also refer to another user’s home directory if you place it immediately in front of their username:

$ echo ~jones

Move Faster with Tab Completion

When you’re entering cd commands, save typing by pressing the Tab key to produce directory names automatically. As a demonstration, visit a directory that contains subdirectories, such as /usr:

$ cd /usr
$ ls
bin  games  include  lib  local  sbin  share  src

Suppose you want to visit the subdirectory share. Type sha and press the Tab key once:

$ cd sha<Tab>

The shell completes the directory name for you:

$ cd share/

This handy shortcut is called tab completion. It works immediately when the text that you’ve typed matches a single directory name. When the text matches multiple directory names, your shell needs more information to complete the desired name. Suppose you had typed only s and pressed Tab:

$ cd s<Tab>

The shell cannot complete the name share (yet) because other directory names begin with s too: sbin and src. Press Tab a second time and the shell prints all possible completions to guide you:

$ cd s<Tab><Tab>
sbin/  share/  src/

and waits for your next action. To resolve the ambiguity, type another character, h, and press Tab once:

$ cd sh<Tab>

The shell completes the name of the directory for you, from sh to share:

$ cd share/

In general, press Tab once to perform as much completion as possible, or press twice to print all possible completions. The more characters you type, the less ambiguity and the better the match.

Tab completion is great for speeding up navigation. Instead of typing a lengthy path like /home/smith/Projects/Web/src/include, type as little as you want and keep pressing the Tab key. You’ll get the hang of it quickly with practice.

Tab Completion Varies by Program

Tab completion isn’t just for cd commands. It works for most commands, though its behavior may differ. When the command is cd, the Tab key completes directory names. For other commands that operate on files, such as cat, grep, and sort, tab completion expands filenames too. If the command is ssh (secure shell), it completes hostnames. If the command is chown (change the owner of a file), it completes usernames. You can even create your own completion rules for speed, as we’ll see in Example 4-1. Also see man bash and read its topic “programmable completion.”

Hop to Frequently Visited Directories Using Aliases or Variables

If you visit a faraway directory frequently, such as /home/smith/Work/⁠Projects​/Web/src/include, create an alias that performs the cd operation:

# In a shell configuration file:
alias work="cd $HOME/Work/Projects/Web/src/include"

Simply run the alias anytime to reach your destination:

$ work
$ pwd

Alternatively, create a variable to hold the directory path:

$ work=$HOME/Work/Projects/Web/src/include
$ cd $work
$ pwd
$ ls $work/css                                Use the variable in other ways
main.css  mobile.css

Edit Frequently Edited Files with an Alias

Sometimes, the reason for visiting a directory frequently is to edit a particular file. If that’s the case, consider defining an alias to edit that file by absolute path without changing directory. The following alias definition lets you edit $HOME/.bashrc, no matter where you are in the filesystem, by running rcedit. No cd is required:

# Place in a shell configuration file and source it:
alias rcedit='$EDITOR $HOME/.bashrc'

If you regularly visit lots of directories with long paths, you can create aliases or variables for each of them. This approach has some disadvantages, however:

  • It’s hard to remember all those aliases/variables.

  • You might accidentally create an alias with the same name as an existing command, causing a conflict.

An alternative is to create a shell function like the one in Example 4-1, which I’ve named qcd (“quick cd”). This function accepts a string key as an argument, such as work or recipes, and runs cd to a selected directory path.

Example 4-1. A function for cd-ing to faraway directories
# Define the qcd function
qcd () {
  # Accept 1 argument that's a string key, and perform a different
  # "cd" operation for each key.
  case "$1" in
      cd $HOME/Work/Projects/Web/src/include
      cd $HOME/Family/Cooking/Recipes
      cd /data/Arts/Video/Collection
      cd $HOME/Music/mp3/Artists/B/Beatles
      # The supplied argument was not one of the supported keys
      echo "qcd: unknown key '$1'"
      return 1
  # Helpfully print the current directory name to indicate where you are
# Set up tab completion
complete -W "work recipes video beatles" qcd

Store the function in a shell configuration file such as $HOME/.bashrc (see “Environments and Initialization Files, the Short Version”), source it, and it’s ready to run. Type qcd followed by one of the supported keys to quickly visit the associated directory:

$ qcd beatles

As a bonus, the script’s final line runs the command complete, a shell builtin that sets up customized tab completion for qcd, so it completes the four supported keys. Now you don’t have to remember qcd’s arguments! Just type qcd followed by a space and press the Tab key twice, and the shell will print all the keys for your reference, and you can complete any of them in the usual way:

$ qcd <Tab><Tab>
beatles  recipes  video    work
$ qcd v<Tab><Enter>                       Completes 'v' to 'video'

Make a Big Filesystem Feel Smaller with CDPATH

The qcd function handles only the directories that you specify. The shell provides a more general cd-ing solution without this shortcoming, called a cd search path. This shell feature transformed how I navigate the Linux filesystem.

Suppose you have an important subdirectory that you visit often, named Photos. It’s located at /home/smith/Family/Memories/Photos. As you cruise around the filesystem, anytime you want to get to the Photos directory, you may have to type a long path, such as:

$ cd ~/Family/Memories/Photos

Wouldn’t it be great if you could shorten this path to just Photos, no matter where you are in the filesystem, and reach your subdirectory?

$ cd Photos

Normally, this command would fail:

bash: cd: Photos: No such file or directory

unless you happen to be in the correct parent directory (~/Family/Memories) or some other directory with a Photos subdirectory by coincidence. Well, with a little setup, you can instruct cd to search for your Photos subdirectory in locations other than your current directory. The search is lightning fast and looks only in parent directories that you specify. For example, you could instruct cd to search $HOME/Family/Memories in addition to the current directory. Then, when you type cd Photos from elsewhere in the filesystem, cd will succeed:

$ pwd
$ cd Photos

A cd search path works like your command search path, $PATH, but instead of finding commands, it finds subdirectories. Configure it with the shell variable CDPATH, which has the same format as PATH: a list of directories separated by colons. If your CDPATH consists of these four directories, for example:


and you type:

$ cd Photos

then cd will check the existence of the following directories in order, until it finds one or it fails entirely:

  1. Photos in the current directory

  2. $HOME/Photos

  3. $HOME/Projects/Photos

  4. $HOME/Family/Memories/Photos

  5. /usr/local/Photos

In this case, cd succeeds on its fourth try and changes directory to $HOME/Family/Memories/Photos. If two directories in $CDPATH have a subdirectory named Photos, the earlier parent wins.


Ordinarily, a successful cd prints no output. When cd locates a directory using your CDPATH, however, it prints the absolute path on stdout to inform you of your new current directory:

$ CDPATH=/usr     Set a CDPATH
$ cd /tmp         No output: CDPATH wasn't consulted
$ cd bin          cd consults CDPATH...
/usr/bin          ...and prints the new working directory

Fill CDPATH with your most important or frequently used parent directories, and you can cd into any of their subdirectories from anywhere in the filesystem, no matter how deep they are, without typing most of the path. Trust me, this is awesome, and the following case study should prove it.

Organize Your Home Directory for Fast Navigation

Let’s use CDPATH to simplify the way you navigate your home directory. With a little configuration, you can make many directories within your home directory easily accessible with minimal typing, no matter where you are in the filesystem. This technique works best if your home directory is well organized with at least two levels of subdirectories. Figure 4-1 shows an example of a well-organized directory layout.

Two levels of subdirectories in the directory /home/smith
Figure 4-1. Two levels of subdirectories in the directory /home/smith

The trick is to set up your CDPATH to include, in order:

  1. $HOME

  2. Your choice of subdirectories of $HOME

  3. The relative path for a parent directory, indicated by two dots (..)

By including $HOME, you can jump immediately to any of its subdirectories (Family, Finances, Linux, Music, and Work) from anywhere else in the filesystem without typing a leading path:

$ pwd
/etc                                   Begin outside your home directory
$ cd Work
$ cd Family/School                     You jumped 1 level below $HOME

By including subdirectories of $HOME in your CDPATH, you can jump into their subdirectories in one shot:

$ pwd
/etc                                   Anywhere outside your home directory
$ cd School
/home/smith/Family/School              You jumped 2 levels below $HOME

All the directories in your CDPATH so far are absolute paths in $HOME and its subdirectories. By including the relative path .. however, you empower new cd behavior in every directory. No matter where you are in the filesystem, you can jump to any sibling directory (../sibling) by name without typing the two dots, because cd will search your current parent. For example, if you’re in /usr/bin and want to move to /usr/lib, all you need is cd lib:

$ pwd
/usr/bin                              Your current directory
$ ls ..
bin   include   lib   src             Your siblings
$ cd lib
/usr/lib                              You jumped to a sibling

Or, if you’re a programmer working on code that has subdirectories src, include, and docs:

$ pwd
$ ls
docs   include   src

you can jump between the subdirectories concisely:

$ cd docs                            Change your current directory
$ cd include
/usr/src/myproject/include           You jumped to a sibling
$ cd src
/usr/src/myproject/src               Again

A CDPATH for the tree in Figure 4-1 might contain six items: your home directory, four of its subdirectories, and the relative path for a parent directory:

# Place in a shell configuration file and source it:
export CDPATH=$HOME:$HOME/Work:$HOME/Family:$HOME/Linux:$HOME/Music:..

After sourcing the configuration file, you can cd to a large number of important directories without typing long directory paths, just short directory names. Hooray!

This technique works best if all subdirectories beneath the CDPATH directories have unique names. If you have duplicate names, such as $HOME/Music and $HOME/Linux/Music, you might not get the behavior you want. The command cd Music will always check $HOME before $HOME/Linux and consequently will not locate $HOME/Linux/Music by search.

To check for duplicate subdirectory names in the first two levels of $HOME, try this brash one-liner. It lists all subdirectories and sub-subdirectories of $HOME, isolates the sub-subdirectory names with cut, sorts the list, and counts occurrences with uniq:

$ cd
$ (ls -d */ && ls -d */*/ | cut -d/ -f2-) | sort | uniq -c | sort -nr | less

You may recognize this duplicate-checking technique from “Detecting Duplicate Files”. If the output displays any counts greater than 1, you have duplicates. I realize this command includes a few features I haven’t covered yet. You’ll learn double ampersand (&&) in “Technique #1: Conditional Lists” and the parentheses in “Technique #10: Explicit Subshells”.

Returning to Directories Efficiently

You’ve just seen how to visit a directory efficiently. Now I’ll show you how to revisit a directory quickly when you need to go back.

Toggle Between Two Directories with “cd -”

Suppose you’re working in a deep directory and you run cd to go somewhere else:

$ pwd
$ cd /etc

and then think, “No, wait, I want to go back to the Statements directory where I just was.” Don’t retype the long directory path. Just run cd with a dash as an argument:

$ cd -

This command returns your shell to its previous directory and helpfully prints its absolute path so you know where you are.

To jump back and forth between a pair of directories, run cd - repeatedly. This is a time-saver when you’re doing focused work in two directories in a single shell. There’s a catch, however: the shell remembers just one previous directory at a time. For example, if you are toggling between /usr/local/bin and /etc:

$ pwd
$ cd /etc                 The shell remembers /usr/local/bin
$ cd -                    The shell remembers /etc
$ cd -                    The shell remembers /usr/local/bin

and you run cd without arguments to jump to your home directory:

$ cd                      The shell remembers /etc

the shell has now forgotten /usr/local/bin as a previous directory:

$ cd -                    The shell remembers your home directory
$ cd -                    The shell remembers /etc

The next technique overcomes this limitation.

Toggle Among Many Directories with pushd and popd

The cd - command toggles between two directories, but what if you have three or more to keep track of? Suppose you’re creating a local website on your Linux computer. This task often involves four or more directories:

  • The location of live, deployed web pages, such as /var/www/html

  • The web-server configuration directory, often /etc/apache2

  • The location of SSL certificates, often /etc/ssl/certs

  • Your work directory, such as ~/Work/Projects/Web/src

Believe me, it’s tedious to keep typing:

$ cd ~/Work/Projects/Web/src
$ cd /var/www/html
$ cd /etc/apache2
$ cd ~/Work/Projects/Web/src
$ cd /etc/ssl/certs

If you have a large, windowing display, you can ease the burden by opening a separate shell window for each directory. But if you’re working in a single shell (say, over an SSH connection), take advantage of a shell feature called a directory stack. It lets you quickly travel among multiple directories with ease, using the built-in shell commands pushd, popd, and dirs. The learning curve is maybe 15 minutes, and the huge payoff in speed lasts a lifetime.2

A directory stack is a list of directories that you’ve visited in the current shell and decided to keep track of. You manipulate the stack by performing two operations called pushing and popping. Pushing a directory adds it to the beginning of the list, which is traditionally called the top of the stack. Popping removes the topmost directory from the stack.3 Initially, the stack contains only your current directory, but you can add (push) and remove (pop) directories and rapidly cd among them.


Every running shell maintains its own directory stack.

I’ll begin with the basic operations (pushing, popping, viewing) and then get to the good stuff.

Push a directory onto the stack

The command pushd (short for “push directory”) does all of the following:

  1. Adds a given directory to the top of the stack

  2. Performs a cd to that directory

  3. Prints the stack from top to bottom for your reference

I’ll build a directory stack of four directories, pushing them onto the stack one at a time:

$ pwd
$ pushd /var/www/html
/var/www/html ~/Work/Projects/Web/src
$ pushd /etc/apache2
/etc/apache2 /var/www/html ~/Work/Projects/Web/src
$ pushd /etc/ssl/certs
/etc/ssl/certs /etc/apache2 /var/www/html ~/Work/Projects/Web/src
$ pwd

The shell prints the stack after each pushd operation. The current directory is the leftmost (top) directory.

View a directory stack

Print a shell’s directory stack with the dirs command. It does not modify the stack:

$ dirs
/etc/ssl/certs /etc/apache2 /var/www/html ~/Work/Projects/Web/src

If you prefer to print the stack from top to bottom, use the -p option:

$ dirs -p

and even pipe the output to the command nl to number the lines from zero onward:

$ dirs -p | nl -v0
     0  /etc/ssl/certs
     1  /etc/apache2
     2  /var/www/html
     3  ~/Work/Projects/Web/src

Even simpler, run dirs -v to print the stack with numbered lines:

$ dirs -v
 0  /etc/ssl/certs
 1  /etc/apache2
 2  /var/www/html
 3  ~/Work/Projects/Web/src

If you prefer this top-down format, consider making an alias:

# Place in a shell configuration file and source it:
alias dirs='dirs -v'

Pop a directory from the stack

The popd command (“pop directory”) is the reverse of pushd. It does all of the following:

  1. Removes one directory from the top of the stack

  2. Performs a cd to the new top directory

  3. Prints the stack from top to bottom for your reference

For example, if your stack has four directories:

$ dirs
/etc/ssl/certs /etc/apache2 /var/www/html ~/Work/Projects/Web/src

then repeatedly running popd will traverse these directories from top to bottom:

$ popd
/etc/apache2 /var/www/html ~/Work/Projects/Web/src
$ popd
/var/www/html ~/Work/Projects/Web/src
$ popd
$ popd
bash: popd: directory stack empty
$ pwd

The pushd and popd commands are such time-savers that I recommend creating two-character aliases that are as quick to type as cd:

# Place in a shell configuration file and source it:
alias gd=pushd
alias pd=popd

Swap directories on the stack

Now that you can build and empty the directory stack, let’s focus on practical use cases. pushd with no arguments swaps the top two directories in the stack and navigates to the new top directory. Let’s jump between /etc/apache2 and your work directory several times by simply running pushd. See how the third directory /var/www/html remains in the stack as the first two directories swap positions:

$ dirs
/etc/apache2 ~/Work/Projects/Web/src /var/www/html
$ pushd
~/Work/Projects/Web/src /etc/apache2 /var/www/html
$ pushd
/etc/apache2 ~/Work/Projects/Web/src /var/www/html
$ pushd
~/Work/Projects/Web/src /etc/apache2 /var/www/html

Notice that pushd behaves similarly to the cd - command, toggling between two directories, but it does not have the limitation of remembering just one directory.

Turn a mistaken cd into a pushd

Suppose you are jumping among several directories with pushd and you accidentally run cd instead and lose a directory:

$ dirs
~/Work/Projects/Web/src /var/www/html /etc/apache2
$ cd /etc/ssl/certs
$ dirs
/etc/ssl/certs /var/www/html /etc/apache2

Oops, the accidental cd command replaced ~/Work/Projects/Web/src in the stack with /etc/ssl/certs. But don’t worry. You can add the missing directory back to the stack without typing its long path. Just run pushd twice, once with a dash argument and once without:

$ pushd -
~/Work/Projects/Web/src /etc/ssl/certs /var/www/html /etc/apache2
$ pushd
/etc/ssl/certs ~/Work/Projects/Web/src /var/www/html /etc/apache2

Let’s dissect why this works:

  • The first pushd returns to your shell’s previous directory, ~/Work/Projects/Web/src, and pushes it onto the stack. pushd, like cd, accepts a dash as an argument to mean “go back to my previous directory.”

  • The second pushd command swaps the top two directories, bringing you back to /etc/ssl/certs. The end result is that you’ve restored ~/Work/Projects/Web/src to the second position in the stack, exactly where it would have been if you hadn’t made your mistake.

This “oops, I forgot a pushd” command is useful enough that it’s worth an alias. I call it slurp because in my mind, it “slurps back” a directory that I lost by mistake:

# Place in a shell configuration file and source it:
alias slurp='pushd - && pushd'

Go deeper into the stack

What if you want to cd between directories in the stack other than the top two? pushd and popd accept a positive or negative integer argument to operate further into the stack. The command:

$ pushd +N

shifts N directories from the top of the stack to the bottom and then performs a cd to the new top directory. A negative argument (-N) shifts directories in the opposite direction, from the bottom to the top, before performing the cd.4

$ dirs
/etc/ssl/certs ~/Work/Projects/Web/src /var/www/html /etc/apache2
$ pushd +1
~/Work/Projects/Web/src /var/www/html /etc/apache2 /etc/ssl/certs
$ pushd +2
/etc/apache2 /etc/ssl/certs ~/Work/Projects/Web/src /var/www/html

In this manner, you can jump to any other directory in the stack with a simple command. If your stack is long, however, it may be difficult to judge a directory’s numeric position by eye. So, print the numeric position of each directory with dirs -v, as you did in “View a directory stack”:

$ dirs -v
 0  /etc/apache2
 1  /etc/ssl/certs
 2  ~/Work/Projects/Web/src
 3  /var/www/html

To shift /var/www/html to the top of the stack (and make it your current directory), run pushd +3.

To jump to the directory at the bottom of the stack, run pushd -0 (dash zero):

$ dirs
/etc/apache2 /etc/ssl/certs ~/Work/Projects/Web/src /var/www/html
$ pushd -0
/var/www/html /etc/apache2 /etc/ssl/certs ~/Work/Projects/Web/src

You also can remove directories from the stack beyond the top directory, using popd with a numeric argument. The command:

$ popd +N

removes the directory in position N from the stack, counting down from the top. A negative argument (-N) counts up from the bottom of the stack instead. Counting begins at zero, so popd +1 removes the second directory from the top:

$ dirs
/var/www/html /etc/apache2 /etc/ssl/certs ~/Work/Projects/Web/src
$ popd +1
/var/www/html /etc/ssl/certs ~/Work/Projects/Web/src
$ popd +2
/var/www/html /etc/ssl/certs


All of the techniques in this chapter are easy to grasp with a bit of practice and will save you lots of time and typing. The techniques I’ve found particularly life changing are:

  • CDPATH for rapid navigation

  • pushd and popd for rapid returns

  • The occasional cd - command

1 I made this up, but it’s surely true.

2 An alternative is to open multiple virtual displays using command-line programs like screen and tmux, which are called terminal multiplexers. They’re more effort to learn than directory stacks but worth a look.

3 If you know stacks from computer science, a directory stack is precisely a stack of directory names.

4 Programmers may recognize these operations as rotating the stack.

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