
Accelerating rate calorimetry (ARC), 196, 204–205, 262
cycling under
adiabatic conditions, 206
isoperibolic conditions, 206
software operations for HWS method, 212
thermal runaway testing in, 211–212
Activated carbons (AC), 137, 154, 256
Adiabatic simulations up to a thermal runaway, 220–221
Aerogels, 233
Alternative current (AC) power networks, 306, 311
Aluminum nitrate nonahydrate, 121
Atomic layer deposition, 109–112
angstrom (Å) level surface deposition, 110
cost, 110
electrochemical performance, 110
high-resolution TEM (HRTEM) images, 110
HRTEM images of, 111
schematic representation of, ALD-Al2O3 coating, 109
TEM images of, 111
ultrathin film deposition technique, ...

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