Engineering Mechanics

Book description

Engineering Mechanics is tailor-made as per the syllabus offered in the first year of undergraduate students of Engineering. The book covers both Statics and Dynamics, and provides the students with a clear and thorough presentation of the theory as well as the applications. The diagrams and problems in the book familiarize students with actual situations encountered in engineering.

Table of contents

  1. Cover
  2. Title Page
  3. Contents
  4. Dedication
  5. Preface
  6. 1 - Statics of Particles and Rigid Bodies
    1. Introduction
    2. Basic Concepts and Fundamental Laws of Mechanics
      1. Newton's Law of Gravitation
      2. Newton's Laws
      3. The Principle of Transmissibility
    3. System of Forces
      1. Concurrent Forces
      2. Coplanar Forces
    4. Resultant Force
    5. Parallelogram Law of Forces
    6. Triangle Law of Forces
    7. Polygon Law of Forces
    8. Resolution of Force
      1. Resolution of Force in XY-Plane
      2. Rectangular Components of a Force in Space
    9. Composition of Coplanar Forces by Method of Resolution
    10. Moment of Force
      1. Rectangular Components of the Moment
    11. Varignon's Theorem (Principle of Moments)
    12. Couples
    13. Resolution of a Force Into a Force and a Couple
      1. Reduction of Force-Couple System to Single Force
    14. Free Body Diagram
    15. Equilibrium
      1. Conditions for Equilibrium
    16. Lami's Theorem
      1. Proof of Lami's Theorem
    17. Categories of Equilibrium
      1. Solved Problems
      2. Chapter Highlights
      3. Review Questions
      4. Multiple Choice Questions
  7. 2 - Plane Trusses and Frames
    1. Introduction
    2. Structural Elements
      1. Tie Rods
      2. Beams
      3. Columns
    3. Types of Structures
      1. Trusses
      2. Cables and Arches
      3. Frames
      4. Machines
    4. Support Conditions
    5. Types of Loadings
      1. Concentrated or Point Load
      2. Uniformly Distributed Load
      3. Uniformly Varying Load
      4. Varying Load
    6. Applied and Reactive Forces
    7. Equations of Equilibrium
    8. Determinacy of Beams
    9. Classification of Truss
      1. Efficient or Perfect Truss
      2. Imperfect Truss
    10. Determinacy of Trusses
    11. Nature of Forces
    12. Basic Assumptions of Truss Analysis
    13. Methods of Truss Analysis
      1. Method of Joints
      2. Method of Sections
      3. Solved Problems
      4. Chapter Highlights
      5. Review Questions
      6. Multiple Choice Questions
  8. 3 - Shear Force and Bending Moment
    1. Shear Forces and Bending Moments
    2. Shear Force and Bending Moment Diagrams
    3. Relationship between Shear Force and Bending Moment
    4. Sign Convention of Shear Force and Bending Moment
    5. Steps to Solve SFD and BMD Problems
      1. Solved Problems
      2. Chapter Highlights
      3. Review Questions
      4. Multiple Choice Questions
  9. 4 - Friction
    1. Introduction
    2. Types of Friction
      1. Dry Friction
      2. Film Friction
      3. Boundary (or Skin) Friction
    3. Static and Kinetic Friction
    4. Laws of Solid Friction (Laws of Coulomb Friction)
    5. Angle of Friction
    6. Angle of Repose
    7. Ladder
    8. Wedge
    9. Journal Bearing
    10. Disc Friction (Thrust Bearing)
    11. Rolling Friction
    12. Belt Friction
      1. Solved Problems
      2. Chapter Highlights
      3. Review Questions
      4. Multiple Choice Questions
  10. 5 - Virtual Work
    1. Introduction
    2. Work of Force
    3. Work of Couple
    4. Virtual Work
    5. Principle of Virtual Work
    6. Active Forces and Active Force Diagram
    7. Sign Conventions
    8. Stability of Equilibrium
      1. Stable Equilibrium
      2. Unstable Equilibrium
      3. Neutral Equilibrium
      4. Solved Problems
      5. Chapter Highlights
      6. Review Questions
      7. Multiple Choice Questions
  11. 6 - Centroid and Moment of Inertia
    1. Centre of Gravity
    2. Centroid of Line
    3. Centroid of Area
    4. Centroid of Volume
    5. Centroid of Composite Bodies
      1. For Composite Plates (Constant Thickness)
      2. For Composite Rods
    6. Centroid of Circular Arc
    7. Centroid of Area of Triangle
    8. Centroid of Area of Circular Sector
      1. Double Integration Method
    9. Centre of Gravity of Right Circular Solid Cone
    10. Centre of Gravity of Right Circular Hollow Cone
    11. Centre of Gravity of Solid Hemisphere
    12. Centre of Gravity of Thin Hollow Hemisphere
    13. Theorem of Pappus
      1. Theorem 1: Pappus's Theorem for Volume
      2. Theorem 2: Pappus's Theorem for Surface Areas
    14. Area Moment of Inertia
    15. Polar Moment of Inertia
    16. Radius of Gyration
    17. Theorem of Parallel Axes
      1. Proof
    18. Theorem of Perpendicular Axes
      1. Proof
      2. Moment of Inertia of Rectangle
      3. Double Integration Method
      4. Moment of Inertia of Triangle
      5. Moment of Inertia of Circular Area
    19. Mass Moment of Inertia
    20. Theorem of Parallel Axes
      1. Proof
    21. Theorem of Perpendicular Axes
      1. Proof
      2. Moment of Inertia of Uniform Rod
      3. Moment of Inertia of Circular Ring
    22. Moment of Inertia of Disc
    23. Moment of Inertia of Plate
      1. Moment of Inertia of Solid Sphere
      2. Moment of Inertia of Cone
    24. Product of Inertia
    25. Parallel Axis Theorem for Product of Inertia
    26. Transformation Equations for Moments and Product of Inertia
    27. Principal Axes
      1. Solved Problems
      2. Chapter Highlights
      3. Review Questions
      4. Multiple Choice Questions
  12. 7 - Belt and Rope Drives
    1. Introduction
    2. Types of Belts
    3. Types of Belt Drives
      1. Open Belt Drive
      2. Cross or Twist Belt Drive
      3. Quarter Twist Belt Drive
      4. Open Belt Drive with Idler Pulleys or Jockey Pulley Drive
      5. Quarter Twist Belt Drive with Guide Pulley
      6. Open Belt Drive with Idler Pulleys and Guide Pulleys
      7. Loose and Fast Pulley Drive
    4. Belt Materials
    5. Velocity Ratio
      1. Simple Belt Drive
      2. Compound Belt Drive
    6. Effect of Slip on Velocity Ratio
    7. Crowning of Pulleys
    8. Length of Belt
      1. Length of Open Belt Drive
      2. Length of Cross Belt Drive
    9. Cone (Stepped) Pulleys
      1. For Open Belt System
      2. For Cross-Belt System
    10. Power Transmitted
    11. Belt Tensions Ratio
      1. Flat Belt
    12. V-Belt or Rope
    13. Centrifugal Effect on Belts
      1. Centrifugal Tension Considered
      2. Centrifugal Tension Neglected
    14. Maximum Power Transmitted by a Belt
    15. Initial Tension
    16. Advantage of V-Belt Over Flat Belt
    17. Creep
      1. Solved Problems
      2. Chapter Highlights
      3. Review Questions
      4. Multiple Choice Questions
  13. 8 - Lifting Machines
    1. Introduction
    2. Definitions
      1. Mechanical Advantage
      2. Velocity Ratio
      3. Input of Machine
      4. Output of Machine
      5. Efficiency of Machine
      6. Ideal Machine
    3. Ideal Effort and Ideal Load
    4. Reversibility of Machine
    5. Law of Machine
      1. Variation of Mechanical Advantage
      2. Variation of Efficiency
    6. Lever
    7. Pulley
    8. Types of Lifting Machines
    9. First System of Pulleys
    10. Second System of Pulleys
    11. Third System of Pulleys
    12. Simple Wheel and Axle
    13. Wheel and Differential Axle
    14. Weston's Differential Pulley Block
    15. Worm and Worm Wheel
    16. Single Purchase Winch Crab
    17. Double Purchase Winch Crab
    18. Screw Jack
      1. Condition for Maximum Efficiency
    19. Differential Screw Jack
      1. Solved Problems
      2. Chapter Highlights
      3. Review Questions
      4. Multiple Choice Questions
  14. 9 - Kinematics of Particles and Rigid Bodies
    1. Introduction
    2. Important Terms
    3. Types of Motion
    4. Rectilinear Motion: Velocity and Acceleration
    5. Equations of Motion: Rectilinear
      1. Velocity as a Function of Time
      2. Position as a Function of Time
    6. Curvilinear Motion: Velocity and Acceleration
    7. Rectangular Components of Velocity and Acceleration
    8. Angular Velocity and Angular Acceleration
      1. Angular Velocity
      2. Angular Acceleration
    9. Equations of Motion: Circular
      1. Angular Velocity as a Function of Time
      2. Angular Displacement as a Function of Time
      3. Angular Velocity as a Function of Angular Displacement
    10. Radial and Transverse Velocities
    11. Radial and Transverse Accelerations
    12. Projectiles
      1. Terms Used with Projectiles
      2. Equation of Trajectory
      3. Velocity and Direction of Motion
      4. Maximum Height Attained
      5. Time of Flight
      6. Range
      7. Inclined Plane
      8. Time of Flight
    13. Relative Motion
      1. Solved Problems
      2. Chapter Highlights
      3. Review Questions
      4. Multiple Choice Questions
  15. 10 - Kinetics of Particles and Rigid Bodies
    1. Introduction
    2. Newton's Law of Gravitational Attraction
    3. Weight
    4. Newton's Laws of Motion
    5. Newton's Second Law
    6. Equation of Motion: Rectangular Coordinates
    7. Equation of Motion: Radial and Transverse Components
    8. Equation of Motion in Plane for a Rigid Body
    9. Steps to Solve Problems
    10. D'Alembert's Principle
      1. Solved Problems
      2. Chapter Highlights
      3. Review Questions
      4. Multiple Choice Questions
  16. 11 - Work, Energy and Power
    1. Work of a Force
      1. Work of a Constant Force in Rectilinear Motion
      2. Work of the Weight
      3. Work of a Spring Force
    2. Work of a Couple
    3. Power
    4. Efficiency
    5. Energy
    6. Kinetic Energy of Rigid Body
      1. Translation
      2. Rotation about Fixed Axis
    7. Principle of Work and Energy
    8. Conservative and Non-conservative Systems
    9. Conservation of Energy
      1. Solved Problems
      2. Chapter Highlights
      3. Review Questions
      4. Multiple Choice Questions
  17. 12 - Impulse and Momentum
    1. Linear Momentum
    2. Principle of Momentum for a Particle
    3. Impulse
    4. Principle of Linear Impulse and Momentum of a Particle
    5. Conservation of Linear Momentum
    6. Principle of Linear Impulse and Momentum for a System of Particles
    7. Angular Momentum
    8. Law of Angular Momentum
    9. Angular Impulse
    10. Principle of Angular Momentum and Impulse
    11. Conservation of Angular Momentum
    12. Angular Momentum of Rigid Body
      1. Rotation About Fixed Axis
    13. General Plane Motion
    14. Principle of Impulse and Momentum for a Rigid Body
    15. Impact
    16. Central Impact
      1. Coefficient of Restitution
      2. Oblique Impact
    17. System of Variable Mass
      1. Rocket
      2. Solved Problems
      3. Chapter Highlights
      4. Review Questions
      5. Multiple Choice Questions
  18. 13 - Vibrations
    1. Introduction
    2. Degrees of Freedom
    3. Free Vibrations of Particles
    4. Graphical Representation of Motion
    5. Simple Pendulum
    6. Compound Pendulum
    7. Torsional Pendulum
    8. Energy Method
      1. Solved Problems
      2. Chapter Highlights
      3. Review Questions
      4. Multiple Choice Questions
  19. Acknowledgements
  20. Copyright

Product information

  • Title: Engineering Mechanics
  • Author(s): Dwarka Prasad Sharma
  • Release date: May 2010
  • Publisher(s): Pearson India
  • ISBN: 9788131732229