Enterprise API Management

Book description

A strategy and implementation guide for building, deploying, and managing APIs

Key Features

  • Comprehensive, end-to-end guide to business-driven enterprise APIs
  • Distills years of experience with API and microservice strategies
  • Provides detailed guidance on implementing API-led architectures in any business

Book Description

APIs are the cornerstone of modern, agile enterprise systems. They enable access to enterprise services from a wide variety of devices, act as a platform for innovation, and open completely new revenue streams.

Enterprise API Management shows how to define the right architecture, implement the right patterns, and define the right organization model for business-driven APIs.

Drawing on his experience of developing API and microservice strategies for some of the world's largest companies, Luis Weir explains how APIs deliver value across an enterprise. The book explores the architectural decisions, implementation patterns, and management practices for successful enterprise APIs, as well as providing clear, actionable advice on choosing and executing the right API strategy in your enterprise.

With a relentless focus on creating business value, Luis Weir reveals an effective method for planning, building, and running business products and services with APIs.

What you will learn

  • Create API strategies to deliver business value
  • Monetize APIs, promoting them through public marketplaces and directories
  • Develop API-led architectures, applying best practice architecture patterns
  • Choose between REST, GraphQL, and gRPC-style API architectures
  • Manage APIs and microservices through the complete life cycle
  • Deploy APIs and business products, as well as Target Operating Models
  • Lead product-based organizations to embrace DevOps and focus on delivering business capabilities

Who this book is for

Architects, developers, and technology executives who want to deliver successful API strategies that bring business value.

Table of contents

  1. Title Page
  2. Copyright and Credits
    1. Enterprise API Management
  3. About Packt
    1. Why subscribe?
  4. Foreword
  5. Contributors
    1. About the author
    2. About the reviewers
  6. Preface
    1. Who this book is for
    2. What this book covers
      1. Download the color images
      2. Conventions used
    3. Get in touch
      1. Reviews
  7. The Business Value of APIs
    1. Change or die
      1. What does this hyperconnectivity tell us?
      2. The digital dilemma
      3. Access to enterprise information and functionality is king
    2. What are APIs and why should a business care?
      1. APIs as an enabler for innovation and bimodal IT
      2. APIs to monetize on information assets
      3. APIs for regulatory compliance
        1. GDPR
        2. PSD2
        3. Fast Healthcare Interoperability Resources (FHIR)
      4. APIs for the reuse of business capabilities
    3. Avoiding a hyperconnectivity mess
    4. The API value chain
    5. APIs as a driving force for many large acquisitions in the software industry
    6. Summary
  8. The Evolution of API Platforms
    1. The journey of API platforms - from proxies to microgateways
      1. Generation zero
      2. First generation
      3. Second generation
        1. Application Services Governance
      4. Third generation
        1. Cloud adoption
        2. Digital transformation
        3. Customer-centricity
        4. Common denominators
    2. Summary
  9. Business-Led API Strategy
    1. Kick-starting a business-led API initiative
      1. Defining the business drivers
      2. Defining the goals and objectives
      3. Defining the API strategy
    2. Summary
  10. API-Led Architectures
    1. What is API-led?
    2. Architecting API-led
      1. Conceptual architecture view
      2. Technical capability view
        1. Management and operations
          1. API life cycle
          2. API design and mocking
          3. Policy definition and implementation
          4. API pages, developer portal, and marketplaces
          5. API runtime operations and analytics
          6. API monetization and billing
        2. API exposure
          1. Authentication (AuthN) and authorization (AuthZ)
          2. Access control
          3. API key validation
          4. CORS
          5. OWASP Top 10 protection
          6. API composition
          7. Redaction
          8. Format conversion
          9. Header handling
          10. Fault handling
          11. Routing
          12. Rate limits
          13. Throttling
          14. Caching
          15. Push notification
          16. API load balancing
          17. Quotas and plans
          18. Versioning and deprecation
          19. Custom policies
        3. Business capability services
        4. Semi-decoupled services
          1. Orchestration
          2. Data validation
          3. Data transformation
          4. Connectivity
          5. Protocol conversion
          6. Shared runtime
        5. Fully decoupled services
          1. Choreography
          2. Data validation
          3. Processing logic
          4. Polyglot programming
          5. Independent runtime
          6. Service mesh
          7. Event Hub
          8. Service registry
          9. Non-shared storage
        6. Identity and access
          1. Users and roles management
          2. Identity federation
          3. Access management
    3. Summary
  11. API-Led Architecture Patterns
    1. Patterns in the context of APIs
    2. API-led architecture patterns described
      1. API resource routing
      2. API content-based routing
      3. Payload pagination
      4. CRUD API service
      5. CQRS API service
      6. API aggregator
      7. API orchestration service
      8. API microgateway
      9. Sidecar API gateway
      10. Webhook
      11. API geo-routing
      12. API firewall
      13. API basic authentication
      14. API bearer of token
      15. API bearer of obscure token
    3. Summary
  12. Modern API Architectural Styles
    1. A brief history of interfaces
      1. The rise of RPC
      2. RPC and object-oriented programming
      3. XML to the rescue
      4. Latest trends
        1. What does this trend analysis really tell us?
    2. REST
      1. Architecture
      2. Interface definition
        1. OAS
        2. API Blueprint
        3. RAML
      3. Transport and payloads
      4. Usage flow
    3. GraphQL
      1. Architecture
        1. Architectural principles
      2. Interface definition
        1. Types that define operations
        2. Types that define data
      3. Transport and payloads
      4. Usage flow
    4. gRPC
      1. Architecture
      2. Interface definition, transport, and payload
      3. Usage flow
    5. Comparing the options
    6. Summary
  13. API Life Cycle
    1. The full API development life cycle
      1. API life cycle
        1. API ideation and planning
        2. Design
        3. Mock and try
        4. Create/configure
        5. Deploy
        6. Promote, deprecate, and retire
        7. Observe
      2. The API design-first life cycle
      3. Service life cycle
        1. Scaffold/refactor
        2. Build and unit test
        3. Contract test
      4. Customer life cycle
        1. Implementation and use
        2. Feedback
    2. Summary
  14. API Products' Target Operating Model
    1. Products in the real world
    2. APIs as products
      1. The implications of treating APIs as products
    3. What is a TOM?
    4. Defining the model
    5. Organization
      1. Central organization
      2. Federated organization
      3. A platform-based approach
    6. Roles and responsibilities
      1. API product teams
      2. API platform team
    7. Communication and collaboration model
    8. Transition approach
    9. Summary

Product information

  • Title: Enterprise API Management
  • Author(s): Luis Weir
  • Release date: July 2019
  • Publisher(s): Packt Publishing
  • ISBN: 9781787284432