© Deepak Grover and Hanu Kunduru 2017

Deepak Grover and Hanu Prateek Kunduru, ES6 for Humans, https://doi.org/10.1007/978-1-4842-2623-0_11

11. Beyond ES6

Deepak Grover and Hanu Prateek Kunduru2

(1)Delhi, India

(2)Seattle, Washington, USA

As already described in the first chapter, the ES6 release is very big, and it is a significant update to the existing versions of JavaScript, namely ES5. We have gone over all the major changes extensively in the previous chapters of this book. It took more than six years for TC39 to come up with a new version of the language and involved introducing a lot of radically new concepts and functionalities into the language. One of the major decisions taken by the committee toward the end of the release was that they ...

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