© Deepak Grover and Hanu Kunduru 2017

Deepak Grover and Hanu Prateek Kunduru, ES6 for Humans, https://doi.org/10.1007/978-1-4842-2623-0_3

3. Destructuring

Deepak Grover and Hanu Prateek Kunduru2

(1)Delhi, India

(2)Seattle, Washington, USA

Object literals and arrays are probably some of the most widely used notations in JavaScript. The popularity of these JavaScript notations is further extended to even outside the language with their presence in the JSON data format . Objects and arrays are commonly used to group data in JavaScript and there exists various patterns to systematically fetch data from these defined structures when we need them. ES6 further extends this process by making it easier and simpler through a process called destructuring

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