Deploying ERC20 tokens

First of all, we need some data to enter into the editor. In the MetaCoin.sol, we need to define a name, a symbol, the number of decimal places, and INITIAL_SUPPLY. We will also assign our INITIAL_SUPPLY to the totalSupply in the constructor. We will also give the creator of the token the INITIAL_SUPPLY.

We know that we need totalSupply because if you go to StandardToken, found under node modules | zeppelin-solidity | contracts | token | ERC20 | StandardToken, then you can see that this imports ERC20 and BasicToken. Now, if we go to the ERC20 folder, we can see that this is an interface, but BasicToken.sol implements this interface. So let's go to the BasicToken.sol folder. It will have totalSupply, balances. I hope ...

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