

Add Edit, 76–77

Affiliate clips, 38

AIFF export, 334, 335

Alpha mattes, 310

Anamorphic, 101

Anchor points, 225–26

Angle function, 106

Animating images, 215–32

curved motion, 223–25

keyframing, 218–20

motion controls, 225–32

rotation, 219–20

scale, 218–19

straight motion, 220–22

See also Images


basic 3D, 260–62

highlight, 306–7

radial, 307–9

title, 188–90

Title 3D, 199–200

Animation effects, 233–51

Brady Bunch, 240–50

motion control, 233–38

sliding white bar, 240–41

split screen, 239–40

AppleTalk, 5

Archiving, 334–35

Aspect, 185


attributes, pasting, 161

crossfade, 127

dragging, for split edit, 152

end point, Option-clicking, 152

exporting, 334

importing, 115–18

out-of-sync, 167

ramping up, 160

resampling, 115

single-track, ...

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