
16mm Atlas, 44

3/4-inch system, 346

35mm film, 42

Academy Award, 237, 240, 270, 290

Academy for Film and Theatre, 233


Adjani, Isabelle, 72

Anspach, Susan, 184, 189

Arrighi, Niké, xiv

Astaire, Fred, 268, 281, 290

Bardot, Brigitte, 18

Bogarde, Dirk, 71, 168, 169, 177, 269

Bonnaire, Sandrine, 72

Brando, Marlon, 120, 254

Burton, Richard, 232

Callow, Simon, 263, 267

Chaplin, Geraldine, 57

Close, Glenn, 340

Coburn, James, 258, 266

Curtis, Tony, 339

Day-Lewis, Daniel, 340

Deneuve, Catherine, 17, 19, 20

Depardieu, Gerard, 34, 120

Douglas, Michael, 308, 314

Fernandez, Wilhelmina, 71

Fonda, Henry, 118

Fonda, Peter, 235

Garcia, Nicole, 11, 18

Garland, Judy, 269, 292

Geeson, Sally, 281, 292

Hackman, Gene, 266

Hancock, Sheila, 268 ...

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