
Note: Page numbers followed by f indicate figures, and t indicate tables.


Acoustic current meter  162
Acoustic Doppler current profiler (ADCP) 
hull-mounted  170 , 172f
modes of operation  165–167
mooring  167–170 , 171f
Acoustic Doppler velocimeter (ADV)  163–165
Acoustic Waves and Currents (AWAC)  180
Actuator disc theory  73 , 290
ADCIRC  204–205 , 207f
Agulhas Current  143 , 144f
Albedo  8
Alternating current (AC)  12–14
Amphidrome  57–58
Amphidromic points  51
Annual Energy Yield (AEY)  135
Arrays  73
Attenuator  125


Backward difference  202
La Rance tidal power station  76–77 , 78f
tidal range  76–81
Bathymetry data  197
Bernoulli’s equation  44 , 44f , 79
Betz limit  76 , 77f , 248
horizontal ...

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