tables, vertex-edge-face, 337–339
current, 704
for edge-line intersections, 705
for horizontal line, 705
inside, 704, 705–706
interval, 706
minus, 703, 704
outside, 704, 705
plus, 703, 705
point, 705
See also points
tangency, 6
tangent function
for commonly used angles, 929
defined, 926
domain and range, 931
graph, 932
period, 936
defined, 731
law of, 939
lower, 740
lower, incremental search for, 741
search, 741, 743
search, extreme points
initializing, 745
upper, 740
See also convex hulls
tensor product, 120–121
defined, 121
math notation, 15
See also products
defined, 745
finding, 753, 754
traversing edges of, 749
tessellants, 522
TestIntersection ...

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