Volume I–V Cumulative Index
Format: volume number.page number
Absorption coefficient, II.279–II.280
Absorption index, II.280
A-buffer, I.76
Active edge list, I.92–I.93
Adaptive clustering (halftoning), V.302
Adaptive image refinement, V.355
Adaptive meshing, radiosity, shadow boundary detection, II.311–II.315
Adaptive prediction–correction coders, II.94–II.95
Adaptive subdivision, of surface, IV.287
Addresses, precalculating, I.285–I.286
Adjacent facets, normals, II.239
Adjoint matrices, I.538
Affine matrix
group, II.345
inverse, II.348–II.349
Affine modeling transformations, normal vectors, I.539–I.542
Affine transformation, See Transformation
decomposing, III.116
unit circle inscribed in square, III.170
Aggregate objects, II.264
Albers ...
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