
  1. 3M 910

  2. ‘5x5’ method 9699, 101

  1. A/B tests 14, 25, 39

  2. Accel Partners 77

  3. accountability 4, 156157

  4. agile development 2, 10, 2022, 26, 28, 3031, 50, 80, 109110, 122, 153; in large organizations 4849, 57, 146163; see also work, agile

  5. Agile Manifesto 20

  6. agile organization, the 4, 10, 11, 4866, 83, 146, 150, 155157, 163

  7. agile transitions 4849, 5759, 64, 162, 155157

  8. ‘aim high and fail’ philosophy 126

  9. Airbnb 35, 4143, 75; app 3

  10. Airtasker 75

  11. Alphabet X 110, 136, 126129

  12. Amazon 64, 129130

  13. ambidextrous organizations 145146, 155157

  14. AMP Innovation Challenge 7172

  15. AMPlify Festival 7273

  16. Andreessen-Horowitz 1

  17. Andreessen, Marc 1

  18. Android operating system 112

  19. Anonymous 11, 28

  20. Apple, Inc. 2, 12, 16, 3435, 37, 43, 50, 150; Apple Macintosh ...

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