
Abele, Andrea, 3738

Adaptation (movie), 26

affiliate, need to, 41

Alioto, Erica Galos, 71, 7578

AlliedSignal, 50

analogies, 6366

Anderson, Chris, 114

Angelou, Maya, 46

antagonists, 29

apologies, 95109

being unapologetic vs., 103

determining necessity of, 98101

formula for, 101108

issues around, 9698

legal concerns and, 9798

preparing for, 108109

substance of, 104105

value created by, 9798

when to make, 106107

where to make, 105106

whom to make to, 102103

written vs. spoken, 107108

Aristotle, 116, 143

art presentations, 11

Ash, Mary Kay, 6566

Ashford, Susan J., 7993

Atlantic, 95

audiences. See also persuasion

being open with, 2021

choosing, getting buy-in and, 9293

connecting with, 1819, 22

emotional connection and ...

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